Where's Oscar Shindler when you need him? Now I'm all for public transportation. The more people we can get off the freeways and onto trains and bus's the better it is for me to drive like a maniac. Now it seems that driving like a maniac is not as important somebody sitting on Front Runner comumuter rail or express buses and making use of the wireless Internet service they have if they are using their laptop "inappropiatly" The UTA has just adopted an ordinance that will fine anybody for "inappropriate use of Internetservices" including pornography, gambling and gaming sites. We are not talking about some small amount or punitive punishment but fines ranging from $300.00 to $500.00 for repeat offenders. This is beyond the scope of what public transportation personnel are there for much less trained and skilled at.
The trains and buses have Internet filters built in but the UTA says no filter is perfect so we must add this layer of protection. Just who they are protecting and from what remains a mystery. Transit police officers are there for serious problems like drunks, punks, molesters, thieves, people relieving themselves in the isles, stuff like that to make your trip safe. Not to snoop over the shoulders of passengers to see if they are actually researching for a biology paper for school or working on a sales presentation for their business. If you think that this form of "Rolling Jack Bootedness" is out of bounds know that the question of just what might or might not be inappropriate is left up to the transit officer to make a judgement call prior to issuing the citation. If you think you may have been wrongly cited you can appeal "following a process throught the appropriate layers of appeal as set forth by the UTA.
And you thought getting your car registered at the DMV was a pain in the ass. The Supreme Court cannot agree what is and is not pornography but some riding rental cop can. They don't even have a list of what is and is not really inapproporiate. What if your looking for something for your wife's birthday and want to get her some lingerie or a swim suit. What if you are checking out the Swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated or Abercrombi and Fitch's catalogue? You could be subject to these unGodly fines. Also if you are fined for viewing something would you then be put on a sex offender list?
This has just answered the question, do I want to patronize anything that has to do with the UTA. I don't even have a laptop but the answer is no. To make matters worse all this is being subsidized by you and me with taxes. I think they actually came up with scheme to find enough money to pay John English his huge salary, what do we pay this clown, $500K or so a year?