"It's the Gay's" run for your wives-lives | Buzz Blog
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"It's the Gay's" run for your wives-lives



Utah freshman Congressman and media whore Jason Chaffetz is going to protect your fragile marriage if it takes him forever, or until he decides to run for Sen. Bob Bennett's seat.

We quote Yogi Berra and laugh even though he was serious when he came out with another Yogiism.  When you read quotes by Chaffetz you know he serious but instead of laugh you have to shake your head and wonder how far up this ass his head actually is.

Quoting Chaffetz on his opposition to giving federal workers' partners benefits:  "I, like most people in this country, [am] in favor of preserving traditional marriage."  "I don't think we should try and create something that is under a differet name."

Chaffetz obviously knows little on the subject considering that half of Fortune 500 companies, 19 states and 250 local governments extend these kind of benefits to their employees.  That would include Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County governments.

What continues to amaze me is this notion that Chaffetz or anyother nitwit can do a damn thing to preserve anybodies marriage.  This idiocy is so easily proved just by looking at your own marriage or that of any member of your family.  Your co-workers or elected officials.  How about So. Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.......did the gays cause him to hook up with the girl from Epenema?  Elliot Spitzer and the hooker or any other broken relationship.  Just how do gay's do it anyway? 

If Chaffetz is serious about helping married people, straight or gay, have a stronger relationship he should be working on getting health care under control as well as taxes.  The biggest problem causing marital strife seems to be economics not gays.