America's Got Talent, If Not Brains | Buzz Blog
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America's Got Talent, If Not Brains


Before you get too excited that the "Fab Five," a group of dancing Morgan, Utah sisters, made the finals last night on NBC's increasingly erroneously-titled America's Got Talent, don't overlook this: One of the other finalists is a dog. Yes, a fucking dog. ---

Frisbee-chomping mutt Rory from Indiana could very well trot away with $1 million and his own show in Las Vegas (AGT's prizes). This is the kind of network TV programming that moral watchdog (ha!) groups would like to see across every channel, every night: An earnest Gong Show with one British judge, one heavily-medicated judge and one should-be-heavily-medicated judge, plus an audience of idiots who'll applaud anything. This is why cable is thriving. Go, Rory!

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