Local First Fundraiser Tonight! | Buzz Blog
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Local First Fundraiser Tonight!



Get your grub on at the 3rd annual Local First Fundraiser tonight at Rico’s Mexican Restaurant. Support all things local and delicious at the fundraiser tonight, where the locavore’s menu will include entrees from Rico’s, Forage, Hell’ Backbone Grill, ACME Burger, Tin Angel Café, Red Iguana, Pago and more.---

So come satisfy your appetite and your conscience by seeing what delicious eats Salt Lake has to offer. Tix will run you $40 a person or $60 for a couple.

Tonight, Oct. 22 at 545 W. 700 South, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., 801-456-1456, for more info and to buy tickets check out www.localfirst.org