We all know the story of the two guys who were manhandled and thrown off Main Street because of their little sign of affection toward each other, now the world knows the hypocracy of "A little bit of Paranoia".---
If you watched the Colbert Report last night you got the full monte on the stupid little incident that the LDS Gastapo perpetrated on a couple of young men who had the audacity to show a little affection toward one another as gay men while walking home after a concert at the Galivan Center downtown.
Cobert took the story to new heights with actors portraying people showing their public affection toward one another and how the rules and code of private property rights seemed to be rather flexable depending on the gender of those engaged in loving activity. The "Church" disclaims any part in the dramatization of events shown on the Colbert Report however did give permission for the show to tape the segment there. You have to ask yourself.....how stupid are the leaders who make these decisions? Did they think that the Colbert Report was going to do a positive report on the beauty of the reflecting pond? Or spend a bunch of money taping a segment on how the flowers are arranged in such a lovely way? The next move will be to have Dallin Oaks appear on the show for a grilling by Steven. Hey, it could happen. Some dimwits still think that Colbert is doing a conservative show that goes counter to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. They couldn't be that stupid could they? Who knows, the next step will be scenes in the HBO Big Love show taped on Main Street, or what used to be Main Street.