Joe the Puppet | Buzz Blog
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Joe the Puppet



Remember? That one guy? Who asked a question to Obama at some rally some time ago. No? Oh, who cares I guess.--- Needless to say if you really want to schmooze with this champion of everyman values it’s not too late to fork over $100 to hear him speak at Cherilyn Eagar’s U.S. Senate fundraiser tonight. He did give free talks earlier, but I was eating lunch when that was happening and forgot to blog about it. And I’m certainly not going to the event tonight when there’s so much quality cable television on this evening, I think.

But if you have a burning desire to see how an average American can get passed around like a roach clip at biker’s rally by every politician that thinks they can squeeze a vote out of the guy, then the show is on--tonight!

The sad thing is that the guy’s half-syllabic message truly is important. Citizens should get more involved to make an awesome USA even…awesomer. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

It’s just sad that he is some sort of example of what a citizen could strive for by getting involved. To get punked out by the establishment and used as a campaign stop prop First for McCain and now for the tea baggers looking to paint established Republicans like. Why not just carry around an inflatable Joe the Plumber doll? Maybe one with a zip cord that you could pull and hear the theme from Team America: World Police “America--Fuck Yeah!”

For a list of other Joe/Eagar events going on tomorrow in Weber and Davis county visit Eagar’s campaign site here. Oh and if you do decide to make it to the fundraiser tonight, your ticket not only gets you Joe the Puppet, a dinner, but also a special performance by the Osmonds Second Generation!

Osmonds—Fuck Yeah!