angry football beer-throwing enthusiasts. Speaking as someone who
never went to the U or BYU, I have to pose this simple question
regarding last week's comments... Who cares?
--- Seriously. I know
the issue has been talked to death by people with far greater sports
knowledge than myself, but simply put, let him be pissed and move on. Grudges are
like baggage, and if Max Hall chose to waste a piece of his life
holding onto that, its his burden to bare. Not the college, not the rival college, not the hundreds of sports voices talking it over this past week... him. Anyone with half a sense
of how written apologies work knows that he isn't sorry for the
comments he made, he's only sorry for the timing he chose to make
them. And those comments don't reflect on BYU as a college, and the U
as a whole isn't going to care beyond this month, and the MWC will
move on with both colleges knowing that there's always next year. The
only person who will care years from now (beyond the few sports
writers who will catalog it for nostalgia of the "Holy War") is Max Hall. And if he
wants to carry that baggage with him... let him! He'll have
plenty of time to feel the weight of it as a backup quarterback for a CFL
team. Stop fussing and go win your bowl games.
Alright, enough on the sports, moving to fashion and
music there was an awesome showing an Club Vegas last weekend. The
Rock N' Fashion show hosted by Jamal Carter, showing off the works of
Alicia Martini, Krista Nielson and Rebekah McKinney for all to see.
Backed up with music from Kiss Me Kill Me and 3 Reasons, plus tunes
from DJ Handsome Hands, a fine showing for the venue. Check out all
the pictures (both focused and blurry) over in
this gallery
Sticking to music, a bit of tragic news on the horizon,
New Song Underground will be going back into the underground as it
goes into suspension. The church that the venue calls home is moving
to the Rowland Hall Chapel in order to stabilize and grow in the
community, but due to the fact that the place is a working school
throughout the week, the idea of a evening venue doesn't work, and is
moving into “Suspension.” after December 30
th. After
speaking with Daniel Maland on the issue this week, it appears
several ideas have been put out to keep it going on life-support, but
none are viable in their current situation. The move comes as another
blow to the “Under 21” crowd as the venue has been nicknamed “The
East Kilby” for about a year now, giving the scene a second
all-ages venue in the downtown area, and becoming a musical hotspot
near 9
th & 9

When asked on his
current search and situation, Daniel said “Given the choice between
more pay, and supporting the local music scene, I would definitely
choose supporting local music - just as long as I can still make a
living on the smaller paycheck! I'm looking for a temporary job,
hopefully one where I can serve the local music community. I'm
looking to see what gear I can scrounge after we cannibalize the
audio rig for the move. If there's a space/organization/whatever
that could benefit from having an experienced audio tech with a bit
of gear available, I am very open to ideas. It would be very cool to
at least keep some little piece of Underground alive until the church
can finally get its own space to do things in.” ...Those wishing
to contact Daniel about ANY of these topics, drop him a line at

For local film, those of you filmmakers looking to get your
shorter material shown, the final Open Screen Night of the year is
coming this Wednesday at the Tower Theater. These have been gaining
in popularity and have brought out some of the finest short films
I've seen in a few years from people. ...Also some of the worst, but
hey, that comes with the territory. It wouldn't be a real competition
if everyone wasn't included. Head on over and check it out this week
for a dollar, or if you have a short film, ENTER! Its just $5 to do
so. See what SLC has to offer.

As for me the next couple weeks
will bring you an update from the last Gallery Stroll of 2009, a look
at some profile photography, a new play that just opened for the
month, checking out the newest local comic book, a check into some
headgear and a new complication to hit the streets. But December has
already had some ups-and-downs for planning, so who the hell knows
what I'll be doing the rest of the month. All I can say is.. we'll
see what happens.