Last Night the gigantic sewer pit of vomit that is --- the BCS, crowned a National Marketing Game errrrrrr I mean National Championship Game.
Alabama vs Texas!
We all remember Alabama. They are the team the Utes spanked like they stole something about 11 months ago in the 09 Sugar Bowl.
And Texas, well everyone loves Texas. Funny though, I looked at their schedule this year and I never saw Texas Christian University, TCU. Hmmmm. Got Texas Tech, got Texas El Paso, got Texas A&M... weird. I wonder why that is? Are there no other college teams in Texas? Did they pass on TCU to get a shot at Louisiana-Monroe? Central Florida? Oh that's right, if they lost to TCU, they have no shot at a 5th National Championship.
Even more perplexing? My ICal calendar on my Mac says there are 33 days between last Saturday's championship games and the January 7th National Championship game. AND... there are FOUR SATURDAYS between now and then. Weird. It's almost like they could take the top 8 teams, play 4 games next Saturday, with the winners playing the Saturday after that and then ... wow... hold on my huge brain is going to explode... THERE WOULD ONLY BE 2 TEAMS LEFT! Hey... why not put THOSE 2 teams in the National Championship game? It would be like a ... what's the word... Oh ya, a PLAYOFF!
Since I'm talking crazy, you could also have 3 of the top 8 teams be TCU, Boise State and Cincinnati. All undefeated, all with no shot at a National Title.
Maybe the "Windows 7 was my idea" BCS people should spend a little money and buy a Mac. Great operating system, and cool applications like the ICal, which tells you how many Saturdays there are in a year.