Kareena MacGregor got married | Buzz Blog
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Kareena MacGregor got married



In March, I wrote a lengthy cover story on the trials of Kareena MacGregor and her family, entitled Hear my plea. Then-teen MacGregor was allegedly sexually abused by several neighborhood boys in her LDS ward. She ended up pregnant unknowingly, gave birth to a still born and was pursued by the state through juvenile court for five nightmarish years over murder charges until finally Judge Andrew Valdez called a halt. Now MacGregor, 22, has got married.---

MacGregor's boyfriend of several years, 26 year-old Wade Menlove, leaves for his third Middle East tour today. Not wanting to go to the warzone without having first tied the knot to the woman he's been dating for two years, Menlove proposed to MacGregor in Hawaii last November. MacGregor says she's a little scared of matrimony. "I'm in it for real."

They were married by a judge  in the Matheson court house on State Street, Salt Lake City, where MacGregor fought murder charges by the state, appealed a plea deal she and her family believed was coerced by numerous parties, including her own defense, and finally found justice with the supreme court. Those in attendance of the nuptials were mostly family and friends. None could have been prouder than her parents Alona and Matt, who fought so hard and for so many years for her freedom.

