Prelude: Afternoon of a Bank Robber | Buzz Blog
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Prelude: Afternoon of a Bank Robber


Today's robber of the First National Bank is a pleasant-enough fellow. Perhaps prior to taking up bank robbing, he played golf on the weekends, --- bought his grandkids ice cream at the mall, read books on investing and fly tying. If it weren't for his current preoccupation with money, he might have even filled out a bracket for March Madness.

But lately, it would seem his slow crush of money troubles had gotten the upper hand. He was tired of working hard, the struggle to succeed. He wanted out.

Yesterday, he may have got to thinking about that little Costa Rican village he'd passed through on vacation a few years back. He liked its little bungalows and quaint market, its slow pace of life. He figured someday he'd return.

That someday had come.

But first he needed some cash. A decent amount of it. And these Utah banks are so easy ... not like the ones in Europe that have "man traps" where only one person can enter the bank at a time (through doors that can hold thieves in between bullet-proof glass till cops arrive).

He waits for his cash as if in reverie, likely thinking: Utah banks are sitting ducks. All you need is a gun and a little chutzpah. Luckily, he had both.%uFFFD He can almost hear the tambito beat in his head.