It's a rare and wonderful thing when a journalist catches an actor being candid. It's far less rare to find them attempting to wriggle out from under their own words when they're suddenly a little awkward. ---
Last week, The Onion's online AV Club ran an interview with Chloe Sevigny in which the Big Love actress, among other topics, agreed with general critical assessment that the HBO show did not have it's finest season in 2010: "It was awful this season, as far as I’m concerned," was the direct quote. HBO quickly fired back at the interview, insisting that Sevigny's comments were taken -- you guessed it -- "out of context," despite the fact that the article ran as a direct transcription and not as a feature with snippets of quotes. And then Sevigny herself, in bit of self-serving truth-twisting worthy of her Big Love character, quickly and unconvincingly backtracked on her comments, blaming fatigue, and a naughty journalist, and her dog eating her homework, etc.
The AV Club, for its part, simply posted an audio excerpt from the recorded audio transcript to do its talking, rather that explicitly calling "bullshit." But this case is one of the more ridiculous recent efforts to claim someone didn't say and mean exactly what they did say and mean. At least when Katherine Heigl chose to look back on her history of incendiary quotes about her show in the current Entertainment Weekly -- ironically, with the same writer Sevigny turned to for her pouting act -- she had the 'nads just to admit her screw up and apologize.