Needed: A Good Masseur | Buzz Blog
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Needed: A Good Masseur



After a long day of gardening, a state senator (unwittingly?) asks Kevin Garn for help. ---

One of the great things about The Senate Site, which is basically the propaganda arm of Republican Senators, are the occasional posts from Sen. Lyle Hillyard about gardening. As a legislator, Hillyard has almost as much power as anyone because he controls, on the Senate side, the money. Outside of his professional life, however, he is an avid gardener who has actually provided me with some pretty solid tips.

Anyhow, this week saw one of the early spring postings from Hillyard in his garden, a short burst about how hard 8 hours in the garden is after a winter a little activity. (I, too, can attest to this). But it's the end that really caught my eye. If Hillyard is being intentionally funny, then this is a classic political posting. If he isn't being intentionally funny, well, it's still a classic:

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a good heat rub?

Come on, senator. It's too easy. Yes, yes ... by this point, everyone in Utah knows way too much about a former legislative peer of yours who loves to give massages. But it will require you to get naked in a hot tub.