Junior's Tavern: Come On In, Mormons | Buzz Blog
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Junior's Tavern: Come On In, Mormons



The local bar says LDS Conference goers are welcome- just ignore the booze---


 Bartenders at Junior's Tavern say they want to invite any out-of-state Mormons coming for LDS General Conference this weekend into the bar- but they're not betting on anyone biting. One family did fall for this sign the first time it went up a few years ago, but they turned around and walked back out when they noticed the decor. Guess they didn't realize a pint of PBR is probably just what they need to take the edge off those four 2-hour sessions of "messages of inspiration and guidance delivered by the First Presidency, members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and other General Authorities and general officers of the Church." This year Junior's is featuring a drinking game- every time tithing's mentioned, you take ten gulps of beer. Just kidding.

  I'm guessing these two guys aren't visiting Salt Lake with the church:

