Salt Lake County Democratic & GOP Conventions | Buzz Blog
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Salt Lake County Democratic & GOP Conventions



Former CW editor Holly Mullen tabbed to run for step-daughter's seat. Sim Gill vs. Lohra Miller II. Republicans eat their own. Also, $12.99 beer sales!---

It was a busy Saturday morning in Salt Lake County (and beyond -- go here for Joe Pyrah's Utah County GOP report) for political junkies. Both major parties gathered for their annual celebration (Democrats) or family reunion, if that family includes Larry King's ex-wife and her sister (Republicans).

First up, the Democrats. They haven't actually posted anything to their website, which I understand because computers are hard. So, you'll have to visit the mainstream media for a full report (because, as an alternative journalist, I simply don't go to things early in the morning on a Saturday). However, the most notable result: Holly Mullen will run for the at-large county council seat, which her step-daughter Jenny Wilson currently holds. On her website, Mullen -- who worked as a columnist for the Tribune and was the editor of City Weekly for two years -- has a brief post titled "We won," in which she announces that she won, her people worked hard, and she raised lots of money.

There were really only a couple of other intriguing races, including Gill facing off against Greg Skordas. Gill won, and I'd love to link you to a statement on his website, but again, computers are apparently very hard for people to manage, because his last post was more than a month ago -- announcing he was running. Anyhow, Gill will face Lohra Miller for the second election in a row.

 The only Democratic primary will be Arlyn Bradshaw facing Cal Noyce for the County Council District 1 seat. It's a strongly Democratic seat that has been held for a decade by Joe Hatch, but whoever wins this primary will not have a cakewalk to get elected, because they will face former County Councilman Steve Harmsen (who lost his at-large seat to Jenny Wilson four years ago ... county politics are really just a snow globe within the larger world).

Over at the GOP cage match, there seemed to be a lot more excitement. And kudos to the party, which has posted results here. The most notable event: RINO (Republican in Name Only) Rep. Steve Mascaro is ousted by an increasingly rabidly right-wing delegate corp. Also, Rep. Merlyn Newbold is in a primary.

On the county level, Richard Snelgrove will face former County Councilman Winston Wilkinson (again, a snow globe) in a primary. The winner gets Mullen.

Other than that, many candidates won by acclimation, meaning they had no challengers -- which is weird, considering how many people want to get rid of incumbents this year.

Finally, for those who read this far, head to Fresh Market (former Albertson's -- is that the right name?). They've got a nice selection of 18-20 packs of beer for $12.99, including Miller Lite bottles and Tecate cans. Thank me later.
