Bridgewater, Lee AND Matheson in Primary | Buzz Blog
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Bridgewater, Lee AND Matheson in Primary



One incumbent gone. Another in a primary. Saturday political carnage.---

Tim Bridgewater and Mike Lee are in a primary, with Bridgewater barely missing the nomination in the third round of balloting. But that is not actually the biggest news to come after 4 p.m. No, that would be Rep. Jim Matheson being forced into a primary by Claudia Wright, who is backed by the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and is a lesbian. 

All in all, it was a hell of a political day. Bennett is out as a senator, to be replaced by a person that is decidedly more conservative. And Matheson is forced into something he hasn't had before as an incumbent, when he goes to a primary.

After the election in the GOP convention was finished, Bridgewater said that he would continue to send the message to Washington, D.C. politicians that "they need to stop the out-of-control spending that is bankrupting our country."
