Jesus Agrees to Twitter Interview | Buzz Blog
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Jesus Agrees to Twitter Interview


On today's TwitterView we have @WWJDinSLC (What Would Jesus Do In Salt Lake City) or Nick Johnson. City Weekly readers gave him a “Best Of” award this year for best Twitter follow. Johnson hosts the weekly Geeks Who Drink trivia game every Wednesday at Piper Down.

@MartyFoy: Jesus are you out there? On Twitter...

@WWJDinSLC: I'm always here. Wherever there's Wifi or 3G...

@MartyFoy: Between you, me and Twitter what should good saints be doing in the land of Zion?

@WWJDinSLC: We've got great local food, music, & entertainers every night. I tweet them daily so we never have to be bored or eat poorly.

@MartyFoy: How has your life changed since you got a “Best Of" award from @CityWeekly? New converts?

@WWJDinSLC: New converts & a lot of attention. It's made life just a bit busier, which means I now work 8 days a week. It's a labor of love.

@MartyFoy: Make your case, why should people follow you?

@WWJDinSLC: I'm hooking the SLC up with the inside scoop of all the best entertainment, always free, always useful, & always willing to help

@MartyFoy: What do you do when you're not walking on water, resurrecting the dead or updating Twitter with miracle events? Day job?

@WWJDinSLC: Avoiding crucifixion. But really, I'm a marketing & publicity consultant, freelance writer, & host of Geeks Who Drink @ Piper Down

@MartyFoy: Wow, not only are you the Prophet of all things to come. You're a Quiz Master. Tell me about it.

@WWJDinSLC: It's 2 hrs of laughs, music & fun every Wed 7pm. Heaps of prizes, no-stress activity all can enjoy. Pop culture & random knowledge

@WWJDinSLC: Also, Geeks Who Drink is a great place to meet intelligent guys & gals. Lots of attractive people every week.

@MartyFoy: Aside from all the hot people what do you quiz contestants on?

@WWJDinSLC: Name that tune (w/ twists), Star Wars character or STD med, sports, TV, & more. We do wide range of topics to make it fun for all.

@MartyFoy: How do you decide what events to give your blessing to?

@WWJDinSLC: Local always gets priority, & where I want to be. Affordable events that aren't advertised on TV but have high entertainment value

@MartyFoy: Is there Twitter in heaven?

@WWJDinSLC: Being able to surround yourself with the best people regardless of distance, & ignore the rest... Twitter is heaven.

@MartyFoy: Alright, I have to check my Facebook. Thanks Mr. Quiz Lord Jesus Geek. Have a twitterific day.

TwitterView is new feature here on the Salt Blog. I know how short your attention span is, so I'll be brief, 140 characters or less. Do you know of a good follow or want to be interviewed? Find me on Twitter, @MartyFoy and let me know.
