may have read in several publications that craft is making a
comeback. Yeah, it true. You can find pretty much whatever you
need from dolls to rugs to clothing and all odd points in-between
available from someone local as a handy-made product. Which is the
celebration this Saturday has become so vitally important to the
community and dealers at large.
--- The Second annual
Craft Lake
City kicks off in less than 48 hours, bringing you over 130 different
designers and kitsch creators from around Utah into downtown SLC for
one giant extravaganza. Along with activities, contest, numerous
treats and of course music, CLC is becoming one of the best events to
hit every summer. But before the festivities begin we chat with three
different crafters. Ruthy Hertel of babyGgear, sign and paper craft
man Colt Bowden, and Easily Amused creator Dallas Russell. Chatting
about their works you can find there, as well as thoughts on local
art and craft.
Garrett & Ruthy
Hey Ruthy. First off, tell us a bit about yourselves.
I am the heart and soul of babyGgear and Garrett is not only my
biggest fan, he is my muscle, my financial supporter and second pair
of hands. Garrett is a former Marine having served us proudly from
2002 through 2006, during which he did a tour in Iraq. He is still
working for the government but now as a civilian. He is going to the
U and majoring in film, something he has wanted to do since I’ve
known him. I am a “stay at home” mom and love every minute of
it! I am also a licensed cosmetologist. Our little man is 2 %uFFFD
years old and he is my main inspiration. We love spending time with
family, swimming, playing outside, watching movies, and playing with
our two, very rambunctious, boxers.
How did you first take an interest in crafting?
I have loved to “craft” since I was little. I made everything
from macaroni necklaces to handmade Christmas cards. When I was
little, I spent hours watching my grandma quilt. Her designs have
even been featured in magazines. She taught me how to sew, but I
never really learned how to follow a pattern, so my items are
in-themselves, one a kind. I took several art classes in collage and
have loved every medium I have tried.
When did you both meet each other and eventually get
We first met at a drama club meeting in high school and have been
friends from that moment on. We dated after we graduated and got
married in 2001. It’s been non-stop from there; four years in the
Marine Corp in sunny California, buying our first house here is Utah,
having our son, who is our everything and now following our dreams as
How did the idea for babyGgear come about?
When our son was born I fell in love with all things small. As he
grew I naturally kept looking for clothes and toys that fit our
style. But alas I couldn't find it. So I made it. My love for Gauge
and Garrett’s commitment to keeping me home to raise our son has
allowed me time to concentrate on creating alternative clothes and
accessories for little ones. So babyGgear is just that, my baby
Gauge's gear. Or if/when we have a little girl, what I would doll her
up in. Until then, I get to dress all the other little girls in this
world. It has grown from there, to include my “mommy’s
What's the process like for you in creating the clothing, from
design to final product?
Inspirations for designs come from everywhere, from tattoos, movies,
nature, random people walking down the street, even coloring books.
Since I spend most of my time with Gauge, a lot of my ideas come from
him. For example, his favorite movie for a while was Disney’s "UP".
Carl, the main grumpy old man, wears a bow tie and suspenders. Thus
we have my most popular design, the onesie adorned with a felt bow
tie complete with suspenders. I call it “The Carl”. Other ideas
include the famous skull and cross bones, elephants, owls, giraffes,
ties, and my newest little friend, my monster. Once the idea pops in
my head, I usually sketch the design on paper and make a pattern. I
then pick the fabric, which I have a lot to choose from (thanks
Grandma), and cut out the shape. Then I simply sew it on the onesie
or t-shirt with a zig-zag stitch and add any flare if needed. I
finish it off by stitching on my babyGgear label and viola a
babyGgear original.
What was the reaction from people when you started showing them off
and selling?
The first items I ever made were for my friends baby shower. I made
her two onesie with matching bows and a sock kitty (which Abby still
sleeps with). People at the baby shower went crazy. They told me I
needed to make more and sell them, that everyone would love my stuff.
And so off I went, and I’ve never looked back. Thanks for the
encouragement guys!!
How did the decision come about to make plush “Sock Monster”
I actually saw a book on sock friends at the book store and thought,
“I can do that!” So I bought a couple socks and experimented with
a few. I still have the first one I ever made; it’s a pink kitty
with a flower by her ear. I then made my cousin a zebra sock monster and
that became an instant classic. I have sold more of those than any
other design. My line has evolved from that cute little kitty to
creepy emo kids. Some of my favorites to make are dinosaurs and
monkeys. But I needed to add my own little edge to them so they are
usually missing an eye, have a sewn together heart or some other
oddity about them.
Why did you choose to make different single creations for the toys
as opposed to producing several of the same?
Each sock monster takes on a life of its own, with their own
personalities. I can plan on making several of the same ones, but
they always turn out differently. But that is what I like about
making them. No two are the same. Plus if you want mass produced
stuff you can go to “Wally World”. It is tough coming up with that
many different names though.
Besides those main products you also design hats and other trinkets
for adults. What made you want to expand into other areas, and how
have adults taken to products they can wear as well?
I have always enjoyed making jewelry and the sweater hats just kinda
fell out of the wood work. So I started a Mommy’s line. I figured,
as a mommy, you deserved to splurge on a fun “trinket” of your
own while stocking up on goodies for your baby. I would wear
everything that I make, so it fit into the ideals of babyGgear, it’s
just mommy’s-gear. I plan to expand on it, to include cute
maternity shirts and fun diaper bag accessories, but I just haven’t
had the time. These items have gone over very well, people like the
uniqueness of them. With the introduction of my toddler beanies, I
have actually had several custom orders for them to be made in adult
sizes, which makes me really happy!
What made you join up with Craft Sabbath as a monthly
I was just starting out and wanted to get involved with some local
craft shows. I did a search and stumbled upon Craft Sabbath. I
contacted Meg and she actually invited me to vend at the next show.
But being new, I didn’t have a clue what to expect. So we decided
it would be best to check it out and then vend at the next one. I was
delighted when I first walked into NoBrow Coffee. I was surrounded by
“my kind of people”. Meg and I hit it off instantly! I spoke with
almost every vendor and felt right at home. I knew that Craft Sabbath
was where I belonged. I am now a proud member of the Co-op, which
will help make Craft Sabbath even bigger and better.
How do you feel about getting into Craft Lake City this year, and
what are your thoughts on being a part of the event?
I am so excited to be a part of Craft Lake City!! I missed it last
year, but I have read up on all the buzz and it is exactly the kind
of event that I want babyGgear to be involved in. There is defiantly
a movement towards handmade and I am so proud to be a part of it.
Even if you don’t buy anything, just stopping by and saying Hi
means a lot to people like us. It shows that what we do makes a
difference, even if it’s just a smile.
Going a bit local, what's your take on our art scene, both good and
The local art scene is alive and well here in Utah, but there are so
many people that don’t see it through their rose colored glasses.
People are so used to getting items at big chain stores that they
don’t realized the beauty that indie crafters have to offer. Well,
big business has had their claws in us for too long. Take off the
shades, put down grandma’s cookie cutter crafts, and say hello to
local artists and the DIY movement. Our items are unique, one of a
kind and they come from the heart, not from some sweat shop across
the ocean. Keep our economy strong by supporting your local
Anything you believe could be done to make it more
There needs to be more support from all forms of media, to get the
public aware of our events. Media outlets need to follow the example
of SLUG Magazine, City Weekly, Gavin’s Underground and a few news
outlets and promote our events and keep the public informed of fun
happenings in the Salt Lake area.
What's your take on events like Craft Sabbath and the Beehive
Bazaar, and what they do for the local craft community?
I love that events like these only allow local artists to
participate in the shows. It allows our work to shine and not be lost
among the mass produced crap. More shows need to follow their lead
and focus only on local art and artisans.
What can we expect from babyGgear and both of you the rest of the
Ideas are busting from the seams, new designs come to me everyday.
All I need now is more time. As for babyGgear, we have several shows
scheduled in the next couple months; Craft Lake City, of course,
Craft Sabbath, Abode Summer Market, and Simple Treasures Boutique.
We are also doing some fund raisers and charity work this fall. Our
website is getting bigger and better and soon you will be able to
purchase your babyGgear there too! As for us, Garrett will be
focusing on school and I will be having the time of my life being a
mom and watching Gauge grow up.
Aside from the obvious, is there anything you'd like to plug or
Meg Griggs from Craft Sabbath. Without her I am not sure that
babyGgear would have been able to hold its head above water. She
introduced me to the alternative crowd here in Salt Lake and they
have accepted me as one of their own. She has taught me to embrace
who you are and be proud to be a little Indie. Anna West from
ArtDuh has been an angel to us. She has taken us under her wing
and helped us along the way on this crazy roller coaster ride. Check
out her and Todd’s great stories, interviews and art on their
website. Also I love that so many people, all over the
world, have embraced handmade items. If you need something specific
or completely out of the ordinary and all handmade (or totally
vintage) check out Etsy.
Hey Colt. First off, tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, I'm a born native of Utah, through a rich pioneer heritage. I
grew up in Magna, moved to Potomac, Maryland for a few years back
and forth from age 5-18. Then at age 18 after high school I moved down
to California to pursue skateboarding and art. Lived in Brea,
California for two years, moved back when I was 21 to Salt Lake to
saddle up for a mission for the LDS faith. Served for two years as a
missionary in the Honolulu, Hawaii mission and loved it. And have since
been back in Salt Lake City for the last two and a half years working
as an independent artist, and just got married one year ago last
How did you first take an interest in skateboarding?
First it was on some old plastic banana boards on the driveway as a
kid, then when I was about 12 my older brother and me bought a board
to share and built a 4' wallride quarter pipe to skate at our
house. Since then I've been on the board every year for the last fourteen
What was it like for you starting out and learning tricks?
I was terrible at it. Falling all over the place, it took me a month
just to learn the ollie. Stuck with it, and I still fall down, just
not as much, and I leave less skin on the ground when I do these
You moved to California for a time to become a pro, what was that
experience like for you?
Well, I never became a "pro". Just did what I liked to do
and people gave me lots of free stuff. It was fun for a while, but it
was a big game of who knows who and party time. I wasn't that into it
so most people weren't into me. I had a lot of fun, made a lot of
friends and had some great experiences. Stayed true to myself and got
out of it what I wanted to for the most part.
What made you decide to move back to Utah, and how has it been for
you since?
I came back to like with the folks for a few months before I left to
Hawaii to serve a mission. It's been good since I got back, just
taking the time to go to school (BYU right now) for art and spending
my in between time being in art shows and now craft events. I met my
wife in school and we've been married for the last year, that's been
great. Everything has been going up since I moved back. I'm excited
to see what the future holds.
How did the interest in paper craft and prints come about?
When I lived in California my mom gave me a sewing machine. I used
it to make vinyl wallets to pay the rent. When I was in California I
got introduced to a lot of artists through Ed Templeton, who I was
skating for at the time. When we went on the Good & Evil U.S.
tour in the summer of 2004 we would stomp at his friends Art shows in
the Midwest and all over. And a lot of the art that I saw, and what
Ed was showing me had a big influence on me taking it more seriously.
One of his friends in particular had a big impact on me, Thomas
Campbell, who sews paper art pieces. So he was my biggest inspiration
for sewing paper. As far as printing goes, last year I was living up
in Oregon before I got married, and my friend invited me to use his
letterpress to print our invitations. It was pretty fun, so I took
some classes on it and started using it as a way to use my
illustrations in another way. Other than that, I get a lot of art
books. From current artists to art technique books from the 40's,
like sign painting, lettering and gold leafing books is what I've
been into lately. I go through phases. I'll study as much as I can
about something if I get obsessed with it. Then move on when I feel
like I learned what I wanted.
What's the process like for you in designing a piece, from initial
design to the final product?
Hmmmmm... good question. Depends on the piece. Usually I have to
wait for the inspiration meter to be high enough to act on it. Most
of the time I spend at the art table is reading resource books or
other books I find that inspire me. Or I'll learn about a new artist
(to me) and do research on them, and what inspires them. The design
process starts with doodles that become thumbnails. Then some ideas
for color or just wing it from there with a color theory in mind. The
more art school I attend, the more steps I find to put between
thought and finish. Though the process usually ends up being similar.
Inspiration from a source or a thought, a way to solve a problem
visually. Then find ways that I can make it meaningful or
entertaining to myself and others. Then I go for it. Some fail, some
succeed. I'm just working to make the successful pieces part of what
I do in the future. Sometimes I'll get on a tangent and do a lot of
pieces in the same genre or theme. I painted birds for a year, which
in the end, I still loved birds, but I moved on to other things. I
like art because of that, I can always change it up and draw or paint
or sew something else. Constant change and growth.
How do you usually come up with the themes behind the ones you sell?
And is it different than coming up with those you display?
Themes usually stem from different places, the only differences comes with
where the art will end up or who its for. I try to stick with what I
like, style and technique wise. But the themes come from what I'm
inspired by at that moment in time, and what I want to portray in a
style that is relevant to me. Right now I'm working on an art show
that will take messages from people in circumstances and portray them
in an entirely opposite use of craft to help us see what visual
wording can do for your mentality of what is being said. Taking the
words of a homeless man's sign and designing it to look like a 1940's
hand painted gold leafed advertisement. Classy design for a very sad
message. How would you take that? At the same time, I'm using the
1940's hand painted look for the advertising mural for a friend. I
usually sell things that are sellable... like messages that are
marketable. But I will use the same technique and style to make
things that I sell for display, just the messages will
What's the reaction been like from people when they see your crafts
and prints?
Those who get it, love it. Those who don't get it get what they
deserve.. Ha! I mostly end up making stuff that I would want to see,
and have been blessed with a good eye for the most part. The Beehive
Bazaar was my first craft show to be a part of, and it went extremely
well. They gave me a favorite artist of the show award called the
"stinger". I'm grateful for the positive reaction to my
crafts and prints. My mom did craft shows so I guess that's where I
got the knack for sewing, and I've been blessed to be surrounded by
many great artists and designers in my life which has been
You also do a lot of signage artwork around the state. What made you
want to do that, and how did you go about learning that type of
Colt: As
far as painting signs, it's been something I've been doing for the
last five years on and off, whenever friends would need it for an event,
a cafe or boutique sign. I've been studying the older styles of sign
painting. It's something great that has been left by the last century
of commercial artists, and its a technique that has dwindled to very
low numbers. Its hard to find hand painted sign makers these days
because of the computer generated vinyl signs. There is definitely a
movement of a few of people in the younger generation getting into
it, and thankfully they still make supplies for it. But there's a lot
to learn from old sign painting books. I love looking at their
techniques for layout and design. Their color choices and reasoning
behind it. I've been buying old lettering and sign painter technique
books from Amazon. Most of the design and layout techniques are still
valuable, but a lot of the materials are outdated. I can't use the
same lead paints they used, but what they make now is much better,
One Shot paints for most of what I paint. Steven Powers and Margaret
Kilgallen are some inspirations.
What are some of the places you've done work for?
I've done signs for Sammy's Cafe and the Rowley Press in Provo. In
Salt Lake I've done signs for MiloSport, Frosty Darling and Gold
Coast Skateboards.
How do you feel getting into Craft Lake City, and what are your
thoughts on being a part of the event?
I'm a dude, which is mostly a rarity at craft events, or has been in
the past. I like being a part of it though, its a good way to get my
stuff out in the public eye. I feel like it will be good to be
selling closer to home, and it will be good to be able to walk to the
event. Hopefully its not too hot being outside, and hopefully
thousands of people make it out and support their local artists and
crafters and buy all our stuff so we don’t have to pack it
Going a bit local, what's your take on our art scene, both good and
Colt: I
think its great that there is an art scene, but there still seems to
be a stigma that its just "Utah" art. It's hard to compete
with the flashy art shows of the coast. But the craft scene in Utah
is always going to be great because its so accessible to the public.
You can hit a fabric store in any city in Utah, but the art stores
are pretty sad here. The art schools have great resources, but its
hard to get the same experience from the staff as a school on the
coast. I hope for a day when the younger artists in Salt Lake will be
seen more out in the world sooner into their careers.
Anything you believe could be done to make it more prominent?
I think if the city got more into it and invested more in local
artists that are younger and put their work into the city planning.
If the bigger venues worked with the artists and it wasn't treated as
much like a fad I suppose. I think what would make a huge difference
is when the artists start putting more meaning into their work than
just trying to make stuff that looks cool just to look cool.
What's your take on events like Craft Sabbath and the Beehive
Bazaar, and what they do for the local craft community?
I think its great that there are craft gatherings of this sort. It
sucks to have so many things being mass produced that could be made
by hand. I am a fan of things made by hand and sold locally.
What can we expect from you over the rest of the year?
I just bought a Vandercook proof press (Letterpress), so I'm excited
to start printing more, doing more prints with my wife. The name of
our press is Voil‡! Press.
Craft Lake City in August, then school for a bit. In December I
have a show at the Rowley Press as well as the Beehive Bazaar the
same week. I’m working on a children's book with my friend Hartman
Macy, aka: Wooley Cotswald. I figure that and school will keep me
pretty busy the rest of the year.
Aside from the obvious, is there anything you'd like to plug or
Support your local sign painters, artists, crafters, screen printers
& letterpress printers! Thanks to Rowley, Mandate & Tryst
Letterpress for sharing their knowledge and resources. SFK. Kayo &
Frosty Darling. Milosport & the new Brick & Mortar skate shop
in downtown salt lake. Sammy's Cafe in Provo & Rexburg Idaho. Check out my Flickr, my blog and our new Letterpress site.
Hey Dallas. First off, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was born and raised in Salt Lake City where I have enjoyed being a
part of the art community. I attended Westminster College and earned
a bachelors degree in Social Sciences with a minor in art. I have
always enjoyed being creative and working with youth. My full time
job is running a youth program in Salt Lake City, which I love. I
sew and craft as a hobby when I can and I also love to bike.
How did you first take an interest in crafting?
I have been creative as long as I can remember. My mother is very
creative and always encouraged me. She taught me how to sew when I
was a kid. In college I found black and white photography and fell in
love with it. I enjoyed being in a dark room and making art. When I
graduated I suddenly had much more time so I started looking for a
hobby I could do at home. I decided to try sewing again to see if I
liked it. I hadn’t really sewn since I was little, besides the
mandatory Home Ec. classes in school. My husband bought me a sewing
machine and I never stopped.
I read early on you made dresses and accessories for your dolls.
What was it like for you starting out at a young age and learning
I never liked imaginary play with my dolls; they were simply a
vehicle to sport my fashions and hair-do's. I always chose drawing,
coloring, painting and sewing, creating things. My mom always had
craft supplies around for me and is crafty herself so it was the
natural thing to do.
How did the idea for Easily Amused come about?
I started sewing by making projects for myself, friends and family.
As I gained experience the projects started piling up. I needed to do
something with all of the things I was making. I began selling some
of my things at local consignment stores making a few dollars here
and there to help me support my fabric habit. Eventually I decided to
get serious about my hobby so a name, concept and logo were
necessary. A couple of years ago Easily Amused was born. The idea of
Easily Amused is about making beautiful, silly, high quality, unique
What made you decide to create everything as a one-of-a-kind
The short answer is: I get bored. It is not enjoyable for me to make
the same thing over and over. Part of the reason I was drawn to
sewing is because I wanted to wear and have one of a kind
What's the process like for you in creating each piece, from design
to final product?
I start each project in my sketch book. I decide on colors and
fabrics and sometimes if I am making dolls I give them personalities.
I always make or use one of my existing patterns. I like to make
simple patterns that can be embellished. Attention to detail is
important to me whether it is finishing my seams or adding some
embroidery. I won’t sell anything I don’t feel confident
What was the reaction from people when you started showing them off
and selling?
People are very positive about what I make. Last year I went to the
State Fair and sat down in a ride, a woman behind me was wearing a
ring I made. Or friends will tell me I saw someone with your wallet.
It is amazing to have an experience like that, I love that people
like what I make because I love to sew.
I've seen small animal toys, patches, jewelry and purses from your
collection. What other kind of crafts do you create?
Some other things I make are: tote bags, cosmetic bags, cuffs,
brooches, dolls, wallets, pillow pals, pencil pals and recently I
have been making girl’s clothes and embroidery patterns. They will
debut at Craft Lake City; I can’t wait to see what the response
Gavin: I
understand you're a program director for a summer youth program. What
is it that you do and what's that program like for you to run
Dallas: I
am the Program Coordinator for YouthCity at Ottinger Hall. It is an
after-school and summer program. My staff and I offer art, skills and
recreational activities for youth ages 9-14. We offer a variety of
classes, anything from hiking and swimming to sewing and
environmental education. My job is amazing, I never have the same day
and I get to be a mentor to brilliant students.
Most recently you were interviewed for Stuffed Magazine. How was
that experience and exposure for you?
I was invited to submit my work for consideration so I happily took
the opportunity. My dolls were in the latest issue, Summer 2010. It
is too early to tell as far as exposure. It was an incredible
experience to get to be a part of such a delightful magazine. It is a
huge complement that I made the cut.
How do you feel getting into Craft Lake City, and what are your
thoughts on being a part of the event?
I loved being a part of Craft Lake City last year. I thought it was
a great event and very successful. I look forward to being a part of
it again this year. I love seeing what all of the artists do and
being out in the craft community.
Going a bit local, what's your take on our art scene, both good and
I think there are amazing things going on here in Salt Lake. There
are a lot of talented artists as well as many local festivals and
gallery openings that provide a rich place to be a part of.
Anything you believe could be done to make it more
Uh-oh! This sounds like a marketing question; not my area of
expertise. Ideally, if Salt Lake artists keep doing what they are
doing and continue to develop, I have no doubts that people in other
art communities will take notice.
What's your take on events like Craft Sabbath and the Beehive
Bazaar, and what they do for the local craft community?
I think that it is important to have these kinds of events where
local artists can get exposure and people can buy unique items. For
me crafting is a solo experience. I like hiding out in my craft room
where all of my supplies are at my finger tips. So going to events
like Craft Sabbath and Beehive Bazaar offers an opportunity to meet
others who have similar interests and to learn from them. I enjoy the
social aspect of these events.
What can we expect from Easily Amused and yourself the rest of the
One goal is to add more graphic design based projects for example a
new logo, some stickers and silk screen t-shirts. Also, my husband
just bought me a Serger (it is still in the box because I am scared
of it) I plan on learning how to use it and make more kids clothes.
And finally I have an amazing embroidery machine that I want to learn
how to use to create my original embroidery designs.
Aside from the obvious, is there anything you'd like to plug or
Craft Lake City will close out the summer craft event schedule for
me. This will give me time to focus on holiday items for Christmas
shows and my Etsy shop.
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