above title of today's blog isn't just a statement about the man in
question, its apparently a self-appointed fact. The Pirate
Club creator has been an
influential force upon the local comic book scene for a few years
now, being both a inspiration and a mentor to some who have been
trying to produce their own title in a smaller environment under
their terms. But with recent changes in his life, Derek decided to
switch focus from his characters and onto himself.
--- The brand
new comic book entitled
Derek Hunter Is A F**K
makes its official debut this Friday over at NoBrow Coffee & Tea,
as part of a “Draw Night” for local artists and illustrators, taking place during Gallery Stroll. The book itself is a collection of
real-life stories taken from the author's experiences, showcasing him
in dimmer lighting and expounding upon some of the more dickish
behavior he's been known for over the years. Today we chat with Derek
about the new book and its stories, the work he's done on other
projects, thoughts on local and national books and some other stuff.
Plus a look at some of his latest panels.
Hey Derek! First thing, how have you been since the last
I've been doing great! I'm living up here in Salt Lake now, so I
spend a lot less money on gas and a lot less time down in Provo. Both
are AWESOME side effects of the move. Other than that, I just keep on
juggling my full-time job as a greeting card illustrator with my
full-time hobby as a comic artist.
First thing, Pirate
Club is still going strong with
new stories. How has it been for you keeping the series going the
past few years?
Yeah, I took a few years off from the book to try new things...
other comic projects. And even though Pirate
Club was sort of a failure in a
lot of ways, various TV and film deals falling through the cracks
over the years and lukewarm single issue sales, it was still my
favorite failure, dammit! So I decided I'd come back to it in Spring
of '09 and it's been a lot of fun. I love these characters to death,
and I see so much potential in them, so for me, writing their weekly
adventures not only keeps me focused on making new comics every week,
but I continue to know the characters better, develop their "world"
further, and hopefully develop the series into what I know it can
ultimately be. I'm still trying to find just the right voice so I
can help the Pirate Club
can reach its ultimate goal of world domination.
The artwork has changed a bit and the books are now just online
releases. What's your take on the changes you've brought to the
I was just getting tired of the chunky graffiti style, I guess. But
more than that, I have grown more and more interested in doing kids
comics. And I wanted to develop a style that was more suitable to an
all-ages audience. Or, rather, one that I felt I would have liked as
a kid. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on the change in
style, but there's a few people who dislike the "manga"
style. Personally, I don't see it as being a manga style, but
How has your work been coming on the side as an artist for
As much as I loved working in film, the full time position as a
greeting card illustrator came calling, and it was too difficult to
juggle both. I thought I could do it, but film is just so fast-paced
that in order to keep up on tight deadlines, I had to slack off at my
full time job on the sly, and I knew I couldn't keep that up for
What movies have you had a chance to work with recently?
The most recent film I worked on, I believe, was Jared Hess'
“Gentlemen Broncos”. Wait--no, it was a National Lampoon movie
that I don't think ever came out. I had to draw a lot of boobs and
nut-sacks for that one.
You also spent some time as a panelist on the Geek Show Podcast.
What was it like for you being a part of that show, and still today
as an occasional guest?
It was really fun! Those guys are just so much fun to bullshit
with. And with a group of guys as passionate about being geeks as we
are, we got in some really hilarious, heated and ridiculous
discussions that I think made for some great entertainment. You
could pretty much stick a mic in any room we're all hanging out in at
any given point and you could record an episode of Geek Show. That's
who we are, that's how we talk, that's the kind of stuff we care
about. There's been a lot of times I'd be hanging out at Shannon's,
or at Brewvies with Jeff on a Saturday and we'd stop and look at each
other and say, "Dammit, where's a microphone when you need one?
This would be perfect for Geek Show!"
You have a brand new series coming out called Derek
Hunter Is A F**K. How did the
idea for the book come about?
I cover this a bit in the comic itself, but I love autobiographical
comics. Every artist has their own voice, whether they're the
writer, artist or whatever. And part of that visual vocabulary an
artist uses comes from their life experiences. So I've always loved
getting a peek inside artists heads. Jim Mahfood used to do some of
the best stuff, and I really like Ben Snakepit's stuff too. So,
anyways, I did a three page autobio thing back in '04, and people
really liked it, so I've always had it in my head that I should do
more. But what? My life is pretty boring. I'm not very
adventurous. Then I started thinking about doing a book of past
experiences rather than the ever popular "slice of life"
autobio comics, and I knew what stories I had to tell. I've actually
been threatening to do this book for 3-4 years, but it always seemed
like such a "destructive" book so I never felt good about
drawing it, even though I do think the stories are funny in a very
terrible kind of way. Like, I'd go to parties or just be hanging out
with friends and someone would say, "Hey, Derek, tell so-and-so
about the time you broke up with a girl during sex!" And as bad
as the stories make me look as a person, I suppose there's a certain
charm in the way I'd tell them, and people would laugh. So I finally
decided there had to be a way to tell the story without completely
turning off the reader. I think I accomplished that.
What was the process like for you in deciding what stories to
In all honesty, I am not that
awful of a person, so the stories in the book are the worst of them.
Of course, I tried to choose the ones that would make for the best
short stories. Ones with a good beginning, middle and end. For
example, I used to put roadkill in those big blue USPS mailboxes when
I was in high school, but that doesn't necessarily make for a good
story. So stuff like that was left on the cutting room floor. Also,
the whole purpose of this comic was to be the ultimate
"anti-biography"; I had to make sure the stories truly
painted me out to be a "fuck".
Did you change much or any of the information to prevent people from
figuring out who the stories were about? Or did you just put it all
out there and not bother with censorship?
I changed people's names, and combined a few elements of different
stories, all involving the same people though, to make the stories
work. I left certain people out and combined others. For instance,
in the rotten milk story, my roommate Travis was the one who "did
the deed" and I was the getaway driver. But he's dead now, so
who cares? I left him out. It's not like he's gonna complain from
the grave.
With most of the content for a mature audience, are you afraid of
comic book stores not wanting to carry it, or do you just not care
about that with this book?
I thought about it... sure. But then I thought about it again and
decided that if they don't wanna carry my book, then I don't want
them to. Heh. Besides, maybe there's better places for a book like
this than the kind of shop a "Tights & Fights" crowd
frequents. I see this as more of a zine than a comic, anyways. I
figure that any local shops that carry zines or other hand made
"scenester items" could maybe even sell this book better
than a comic shop could. Of course, I'd love to be proven
Considering the personal nature of the stories, what are your
feelings about the book being released for the public to buy and
That was a major concern before I started writing the book, but once
the stories started coming together, and especially after I bookended
all of the stories with the retrospect prologue/epilogue narrative, a
very "playful" attitude sort of washed over the whole thing
and, in my eyes at least, the character in those stories stopped
being "me". And to be honest, I'm not the person I was in
those stories anymore and I think that is obvious to anyone who knows
me. And those people's opinions are the only ones that would really
effect me anyway.
Are there any plans to do a second book or a series of these, or
will this be a one-shot book?
I plan to do a few more in this series, but only one of them will be
about me being a "fuck". Trust me, I'm way
more of a nerd/loser/goon than I am a fucker, there are no shortage
of stories where I am the butt of the jokes. I have a few ideas.
I'll share 'em with you as I get closer to finishing 'em.
Going local, what is your take on the current local comic scene and
the titles coming out of it?
I wish I knew of more of the comic artists here in Utah. Drawing
comics is a pretty solitary activity though... not a whole lot of
"knitting circles" when it comes to drawing comics. But,
every week I do get together with a bunch of artist friends and draw,
and of those, a few of us draw comics, but I know there's gotta be
more "sequential artists" out there that could join us! As
for the ones I know, me and Ryan Ottley (Image Comics' Invincible)
draw together a lot, and a few regulars at our draw nights include
other comikers like Dave Chisholm, Tim Odland, and Chris
Who are some local artists and writers should people check
Obviously I think everyone should be reading Ryan Ottley's work on
he just keeps getting better and better. I am also a huge fan of his
self-written, more goofy/cool stuff like Death Grub
and Sea Bear & Grizzly Shark.
I'm a big fan of goofy, fun, and expressive stuff. Jake Black is a
local writer who has spent a lot of time working on one of my
favorite comic properties ever, TMNT,
and just keeps moving on up the ranks of the industry... you should
definitely check out his stuff.
Going national, what's your take on the comic book industry as it
stands right now?
I have to be honest, I don't have my finger on the pulse of what the
industry is doing as much as maybe I should. I'm not reading as many
comics as I used to, and to be honest, I'm more interested in telling
stories than I am in how they're told. So, for me, whether it be
comics, movies, books, or television, as long as there are good
stories out there, I'm happy!
What would you say are some of the best series in print right
Sadly, my favorite comic series of the moment, Scott
Pilgrim, just concluded its
story with book #6. But there's always gonna be new stuff to
discover! I'm really enjoying Scalped,
Walking Dead, my buddy
Shane Hillman always seems to be working on something awesome at any
given time, and lately I've really fallen for the cutesy stylings of
comic artist, Elio. As for regular series... I just pick up whatever
looks good, or whatever comes with the highest recommendation... like
Orc Stain and King
Since you've started doing it yourself, what are your thoughts on
digital publishing and how some books are now going strictly to that
What I like about doing comics online is that I'm able to get an
immediate reaction to my work. Drawing comics is a very solitary
process. It's one guy sitting in a room drawing comics that he wrote
weeks prior, second guessing himself as to whether or not the joke is
still funny, or whether the story is as good as he thought it was
three weeks, three months, or even three years ago. So the immediacy
of webcomics is good because you can get people's reactions right
away. It's also good to have tighter deadlines. For me, it's nice
to know that no matter how busy my life gets, there are people that
are gonna go to my site every Monday and Thursday, and expect new
comics to be there. So I have to do it.
Where do you see the state of comics over the next couple of
I don't think i see comics changing all that much. We've seen a slow
shift to more of an online distribution model, and there have been
some really good success stories in the webcomics. What I do see
changing though, or what I hope to see more of a change in, is
people's ability to find new, quality comics via the web. There are
so many great comics out there, but there seems to be little to no
marketing behind them. You literally have to stumble upon them in
order to find a new webcomic. I mean, indie comic publishers think
it's hard to find readers, right? Well, at least they have the
Diamond catalog to advertise, and comic stores to sell to... a single
location that anyone can go to and know they'll find comics. With
the web... good luck. There's just so much out there, and of course
ANYONE can do it, so there's a lot of crap. But finding a new
webcomic you like is quite the treat. It's like unearthing a
treasure. So I hope to see more webcomic "publishers" pop
up so that people can have an easier time finding the good stuff out
there. I'm new to all this, I need help finding the new stuff as
much as anyone! Go to my website to see a few of the titles I
What can we expect from you over the rest of the year?
Derek: You can pick up the book next week at local retailers. Obviously I will be updating Pirate
Club twice a week on my site. I
have a new Lobster Ladd
mini comic that I'm working on with my buddy Shane Hillman. That
should be done by October, it's 40 pages of comic, split down the
middle, with each of us telling our own side of a single story.
After that, I'm actually going to be working on my first big project
with a writer who is not myself. Local writer, Elias Pate approached
me with a six issue pitch for a really good all-ages comic that I am
super excited about! It's called Bennie & The Bomber,
and I've already roughly laid out most of the first issue and now I'm
just doing some character designs and stuff like that. I am really
excited for that one. And by the end of October I hope to have a new
site online,, that I hope I'm able to turn into
a hub for SLC-based comic creators to put their work. I'm trying to
help what little community we have here, and maybe even encourage
some newcomers to grab a pencil and get comiking!
Besides the obvious, is there anything you'd like to plug or
Support local artists, musicians, bakers, mathematicians, whatever!
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