Wasatch Co-op Market @ Brewvies | Buzz Blog
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Wasatch Co-op Market @ Brewvies



The Wasatch Cooperative Market, Utah's only consumer-owned cooperative grocery, is in the development stages and soliciting members and will host a meeting at Brewvies next week. Here is the info from the folks at the co-op: ---

"The Wasatch Cooperative Market is excited to announce our upcoming public meeting on August 24th at Brewvies Cinema Pub ! Everyone in the community is invited to attend to learn more about the development and progress of the Co-op, and to find out more about becoming a Founding Member-Owner in what will be an important addition to Utah’s food landscape. We’ll get underway at 6:30 PM, then share a brief presentation at 7:00. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and one-on-one discussions afterward. Please arrive early so you’ll have time to enjoy delicious food and drink from Brewvies, and be aware that Brewvies is a bar (you must be 21 or older to attend)."

For more information go to http://www.wasatch.coop