Saltas In Greece: Thanasis & Savvas | Buzz Blog
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Saltas In Greece: Thanasis & Savvas


Hello --Yia Sou. Not much to add after the getting stuck in the elevator incident. Had a huge meal at one of the souvlaki joints near Monestriaki square. About 3 or 4 of them compete in a huge way for the heavy traffic that walks by.---

The best known is called Thanasis, but my favorite is Savvas, where an old friend waiter has remembered us for years and just piles on the food. Thanasis and Savvas face each other on the narrow pedestrian street and all persons passing through will be all but pulled into either by the touts and waiters of both. It's a fun sport to watch. A difference between the two are how they prepare their meats--Savvas shaves gyro meat from giant skewers while Thanasis rolls a ground beef mixture onto a skewer for cooking. Both are just fine.

The street vendor here is selling koulouria--not the cookie style you buy at the Greek Festival to dip into coffee, but the equally traditional street fare style. These contain different styles of dough or flavorings (all have lots of sesame seeds sprinkled over them) and are shaped into various sized rings. A really handy and cheap street meal.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday. Off to the airport soon to pick up three more travelers.





