Vote for Pedro Corroon | Buzz Blog
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Vote for Pedro Corroon


I was reading El Observador de Utah's Saturday edition on the weekend, when I came across a full page ad for Peter Corroon's governor candidacy. Which made me wonder: how important is the Hispanic vote in this year's election?---

El Observador, in the interests of disclosure, is edited by my wife Patricia Dark. I have no idea whether previous candidates for governor have reached out so directly to Latinos, although somehow I doubt it.

That doubt stems in part from attending "El Grito" at the Utah State Fair the other weekend. It was a celebration of Mexican Independence Day. Corroon, who is multi-lingual, gave a lengthy speech in pretty good gringo-accented Spanish to the appreciatve crowd. Governor Herbert was unable to attend, a state official said in a few terse sentences, due to other engagements, ie a $700,000-raising gala to replenish Herbert's war chest.  

As the new Mexican consul lead a series of cheers of "Viva!" in the gathering dusk, it was tempting to wonder if Corroon's courting of the Hispanic vote might prompt a little revolution at the polls in November. With the Salt Lake Tribune's jaw-droppingly early publication of its pro-Herbert endorsement in this Sunday's edition, some might argue that despite all the recent sound and fury over Udot contracts, Corroon needs all the help he can get.
