Lounge Act Weekend: Blondes, redheads and holy wars | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Weekend: Blondes, redheads and holy wars



This weekend we have Black Friday, the BYU-Utah football "Holy War" and all manner of entertainment. Let's get it on!---

Friday night features a show at The Depot from Blonde Redhead (pictured), and you can read our interview with the artsy indie-rockers right here. The Legendary Porch Pounders are throwing down at Brewski's in Ogden, while the Samuel Smith Band headlines at The Urban Lounge.

If you're feeling ready to delve into all things Christmas-y, the Downtown Alliance opens its Old World Christmas Market today, and the Xmas lights will be getting turned on all over downtown and Temple Square Friday eve.

On Saturday, David Sedaris will be signing copies of his books at Sam Weller's beginning at 7 p.m., and A Christmas Carol opens at the Hale Centre Theatre in West Valley.

On the music tip, Eagle Twin headlines a benefit concert at Burt's Tiki Lounge, Red Rock Hot Club plays at the Bayou, and Kilby Court hosts a worthy double-bill of Freelance Whales and Miniature Tigers; check out our interview with Freelance Whales right here.

Sunday is pretty mellow, so relax a bit, shop, etc., and when evening comes, consider a jaunt to Kilby Court to see Scarlett O'Hara headline a four-band bill
