Libertarian Jake Shannon to Join K-Talk radio | Buzz Blog
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Libertarian Jake Shannon to Join K-Talk radio



The Libertarian hypnotherapist who challenged Rep. Jason Chaffetz in the last election and told City Weekly during the campaign that his ilk are "basically ... Republicans who smoke pot," has scored a radio show on K-TALK 630 AM.---

The show is called Mental Self-Defense Radio and will air Monday to Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Here's a short bio former City Weekly writer Josh Loftin provided for Shannon in September:

Shannon grew up in the suburbs of Denver, and as a teenager was “a jock, even kind of a bully” until he was diagnosed at 16 with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. During treatment and recovery, his weight dropped to 117 pounds, so he began focusing on academics and went to the University of Colorado-Boulder on a scholarship. He graduated college with an English degree in 1996, and moved to San Francisco, where he worked three jobs while earning a Masters of Finance from Golden Gate University.

During his time in San Francisco, he had two significant experiences. When winding down late at night, he often watched the ubiquitous Tony Robbins infomercials, which helped lead him to his current financial and career independence. Also, one of his jobs was at a Libertarian bookstore, where he was able to read a lot of books about economic theory.

Read the whole article here.

Shannon is an iconoclast. While deeply conservative, he parts ways with that movement on matters like gay marriage and drug prohibition and says he's "free market but anti-corporate."

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