Six Questions With QSaltLake Editor Seth Bracken | Buzz Blog
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Six Questions With QSaltLake Editor Seth Bracken



I recently had the opportunity to interrogate the new editor of QSaltLake.---

No, there was no starkly lit locked room with Law & Order-style industrial desk & chair. The exchange took place via a series of polite e-mails, and Mr. Bracken was very kind to put up with my (at times vague) questioning. Five of the Q&As are appearing in the March 3 issue of City Weekly, in the 5 Spot. But lucky online readers get to read it early, including a bonus Q&A, which is on the CW Website right now.

Read it, won't you?

[Update: The man's name is Seth Bracken, not Seth "Larkin" as I erroneously posted on this blog. Oh, brain! Why do you have to be such a trickster? My apologies to Bracken.]

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