Lounge Act Wednesday: Reggae, folk and funk on tap | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Wednesday: Reggae, folk and funk on tap



It's Ash Wednesday and the kick-off for Lent. Seems like as good a reason as any to get a groove on.---

And there are ample opportunities to do just that on Wednesday. Let's start with Barrington Levy (pictured), a smooth-operating reggae cat who can do the traditional sound and delve into dancehall as well. His show at The Complex at 9 p.m. should be a fine irie time. 

Burt's Tiki Lounge has a decidedly more raucous  bill tonight, courtesy of Flexx Bronco, Decibel Burn and Dirtbags Don't Die, while The Urban Lounge has an excellent bill of modern folk with Grand Hallway, The Lighthouse and the Whales, Jay William Henderson and David Williams. Kilby Court has a gig featuring wandering Utah emo gals Meg & Dia with Kinch, and the State Room has a funk-filled double-bill of Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band and Diego's Umbrella.

Beyond music, Wasatch Community Gardens is hosting a Farm & Feed class at the Grateful Tomato Garden at 11 a.m., and the Women's Voices Festival continues with a preview lecture of Utah Opera's Little Women by Dr. April Greenan, a musicologist at the U; the lecture is at 7 p.m. at the Main Library.