theatre season looked to be on track at the start to being one of the
biggest we've had in quite some time with new companies jumping on
board. Last last year the hype was all around David Fetzer's
company New Works Theatre Machine being put together out of The
Pickle Factory. But after a visit from the Fire Marshall and other
issues at the time the company seems to have been put on hiatus along
with all of its other productions planned for the year. So while we
wait to see what happens with the first company, we'll turn our eyes
toward the start of a second...
--- The
Hive Theatre Company was founded by a married couple last year,
taking up residence at The Sugar Space dance studio as part of their
season. Over the past few months they've been getting their act
together, so to speak, with several comedic and interesting one-act productions from humorist playwright David Ives. Their debut
season kicks off next Friday night, and in preparation for it we got a
chance to chat with the duo behind it all, Jared & Tiffany
Greathouse. Talking about the company and their thoughts on local theatre.
courtesy of Michael Crowley)
& Jared
Hey guys! First off, tell us a little bit about yourselves.
I am the Founder and Artistic Director of The Hive Theatre. I am
also an actor, writer, and musician as well. I've always been
interested in contributing to the local art scene here in Utah. It's
a great state to live in so why not try to make it even better by
helping build a stronger artistic community?
I am the Co-Founder and Artist Director of The Hive Theatre Company.
Before this adventure, I played drums in the rock band Dacho. Art
education, specifically theater, has always been an immense source of
joy and enthusiasm for me.
What first got you both interested in theater, and what were some
early influences on you?
I was immersed in the theater world from a very early age.
Backstage was pretty much daycare for me growing up. However I
didn't get too much involved in theater until high school. Before
that I was much "too cool." A good teacher finally got
through to me and after that there was no looking back. Later on, I
had the opportunity to take a trip to the Utah Shakespearean Festival
and it was at that time that I decided theater would be a permanent
fixture in my life.
Theater has always been a passion for me. I remember watching
actors onstage and always wanting to be up there as well. I knew
immediately as far back as I can remember that's what I wanted to do.
Performing gets in your blood like an infection. It's very
addicting and quite fun. I was able to be in many productions in
high school were I learned an immense amount, also from a dedicated
Have either of you sought any theater studies in college, or mainly
been performing aorund town?
I studied Theater Arts at Salt Lake Community College for a few
years. But most of my best experiences have come from doing various
shows at different theaters around town. There are some amazing
artists in this valley and I've learned a lot from the handful I've
had the opportunity to work with.
After high school, I studied Film at the University of Utah. With
that, playing drums for Dacho and working full time, this is the
first I've been able to perform since getting my Bachelor of Arts
degree. I emphasized in acting and writing, and had the pleasure of
working with many talented teachers at the U.
When did the two of you meet each other and eventually got
We first met while auditioning for a play in high school and didn't
get married until 2004.
How did the idea come about to start up your own theatre
After a few trips to New York and seeing how vibrant their theater
community is, we felt a longing for the same sort of scene here in
Salt Lake. We wanted to bring artists together and produce shows
that you might not normally see around town. Over the years this idea
sort of fermented in our imaginations.
What made you decide to call The Sugar Space home rather than set up
shop in a more traditional theater?
It's a cool little space and in the heart of Sugar House too. We're
actually looking for a more traditional space within our current
budget. We would very much like to keep The Hive in Salt Lake. As
far as a permanent home, that is still up in the air for The Hive
For your first production, why did you choose to do a series of
one-act plays from David Ives?
Mr. Ives's work embodies the unique style The Hive aims to achieve.
The Philosophical meets the Absurd. Samuel Beckett meets The Three
Stooges. It's wild, fun, and cerebral all at the same time.
How has it been putting those together and bringing those classic
works to life?
Not only did we pick the plays and produce the show, we're also both
actors in each play. These characters are amazing and they are such
intricate portraits of real humans...and monkeys. It's amazing to
get to perform such wonderful art, written by such a mad
One of the big driving forces behind the production is that you're
doing everything yourselves with little crew involvement. Sets,
costumes, props, etc. Why go that route rather than bring on a formal
MONEY! Seriously though, on a shoestring budget you learn to get
creative and utilize your resources. We're hoping to one day be
able to afford a large crew and a venue of our own. Until then,
we're actually very lucky to be surrounded by talented and
hard-working artists who are always willing to lend a hand. We also
have been very lucky to find some generous sponsors willing to donate
to the cause. Among them are KRCL 90.9 FM and SLUG Magazine. If
anyone is interesting in becoming a sponsor, please check out our
blog where you will find a secure PayPal "Donate" button.
What are your thoughts going into the company's opening night next
Hoping to get asses in those seats, man! Come out and support local
artists! Besides the plays, we have the funk-grass stylings of Dos
Dragones playing live music; the crazy improv comedy troup, Toy Soup;
and spoken word poetry by Karen Christensen. It's going to be two
very cool nights. Tickets still available on The Sugar Space's website.
After this you're going to do your first full production, Baby With
The Bathwater. What made you decide on that play, and where are you
at in production for that one?
The older we get, the more people ask us, "When ya' gonna have
a baby?" And let's face it, the older my wife gets the more I
can hear her clock ticking from across the room. One day it's going
to be her asking, "When are we going to have a baby."
Needless to say, babies are a common subject these days it seems.
And even though we have no announcements to make, at least we can
tell people we're doing a play about a baby.
Plus, this show is completely absurd which I love. It's very fun
and not something you see on a regular basis.
I read that you plan to start writing original plays down the road.
Will it simply be yourselves writing, or are there plans to bring in
playwrights to contribute to the season?
We plan on doing a locals only one-act festival using a variety of
local playwrights some time in the near future. Jared has written a
few one-acts of his own and is excited to test them out on real
audiences soon. We will read any and all plays we receive.
Going into state-wide stuff, what are your thoughts on local
theater, both good and bad?
There are some great theaters doing some great things all over the
state. I would like to one day build The Hive up to that level of
greatness. But it's going to be a long, hard road and I fully expect
to learn a lot along the way.
Is there anything you believe could be done to make it more
It almost seems to me as if theater has become this almost elitist
artform for most people that aren't involved in it themselves. I've
met some people over the years who have actually never even seen a
play. I would like to find a way to get those kind of people out to
our shows. We need to come together and find a way to make theater
more relevant than ever before.
I'd like to show people that theater really is cool. It always has
been, maybe they just didn't realize that shows like the ones we're
doing even existed. It's so broad and I'd like more people to see
that and possibly grow from their experience. Theater has the power
to move and change lives.
What are your thoughts on the big push to “bring Broadway” to
Sounds groovy.
Bring it!
Do you feel like local high schools and colleges do enough for their
performing arts departments as of late?
I feel that with budget cuts in high schools and tuition hikes in
colleges, most children (and soon-to-be-adults) are getting the short
end of the stick when it comes to art education. I really want to
make sure everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow as an
artist. We'd one day like to open an academy where students of all
ages can learn the craft, in all aspects.
What can we expect from you both and Hive Theatre of you the rest of
the year?
We'll be producing Baby With The Bathwater this fall. We are also
currently accepting script submissions for our locals only one-act
festival for 2012. Please send submissions to:
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