In The Loop: 5/21/11. Fake Crisis Averted! | Buzz Blog
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In The Loop: 5/21/11. Fake Crisis Averted!



Hello to all you armageddon waiting, last-supper eating, orgy planning, last prayer making, zombie takeover planning, New Zealand watching, need to get your watches fixed while anticipating the rapture enthusiasts. --- After I wrote that intro I just realized that hardly anyone is going to give a shit or really know what I'm talking about a few months from now. Aside the ridiculous nature of all the Facebook posts I've had to read about it, the only funny part to me was that it was happening on a Saturday, which meant a lot of church-goin' folk had six days to screw up their lives before they could get back to church and fix it. Let's move on. In lieu of a 337 update, here's a picture of an old phonograph I saw at Gallery Stroll last night.


Not much to talk on news, which is fine with all the events we'll be talking about. The one big note to mention is the fact that Craft Lake City's deadline for artists and vendors hits this Friday. And we're talking all vendors, both of the craft and those selling eats, not to mention applications for musical performances. If you wanna get in on it, I'd get to their website now.


Moving to events, if you're not worn out from the Urban Arts Festival and the Living Traditions Festival, there's one more event today you might wanna go check out. The Spring Art Adoption over at Signed & Numbered, now with it's new location along West Temple. Basically the event is spring cleaning for several artists across the state, all at discount prices for work that they'd like you to own so they can make way for new art. Not to mention all proceeds are going to help The Homeless Youth Resource Center. Those on hand include Jayson Ross, Trent Call, Sri Whipple, Leia Bell, Andy Chase, Nic Annette Miller, Dave Doman, Adam Hansen, Derek Carlisle, Brad Barker, Ernst Gentry, Teresa Flowers, Mike Murdock and Travis Bone. Go check it out and see what you can find.


Meanwhile tonight, if you're looking for some roller derby action, you can head up to Layton to catch the Junction City Roller Dolls playing a double header. First game features the finest of the league going against the neighboring Vegas team as the Trainwrecks take on the Sin City Rollergirls, followed by league play as the Aftershocks take on The Railway Bandits. Doors open at 5PM with the first game at 6PM at the David Conference Center, $10 in advance or for military, $12 at the door.


Moving to this Monday, Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School returns to Bar Deluxe again, this time featuring Princess Kennedy and her crew doing their thing, all for artists to sketch out their finest works. I don't really have a lot more info on this show, but if it's anything like previous Dr. Sketchy shows, it'll be an interesting evening to say the least, filled with art to boot. Show kicks off around 8:30PM.


This Wednesday up in Ogden will feature a fundraiser for Nurture The Creative Mind Foundation with a Fashion & Music show. Grey Fiction, Fox Van Cleef and DJ/MC Liz "the Ladybug"Coleman from KRCL playing the big stage. Meanwhile Chuck's Clothing will be hosting a vintage clothing fashion show, plus an open bar until the booze is totally gone. Tickets are $6 in advance and $10 the day of the event. All donations will go to fund the Nurture the Creative Mind Foundation and help provide guitars and lessons for the youth they serve. You can purchase tickets here.


Then while the Memorial Day weekend is taken up with more ceremony and respects, there will be one event that weekend to take your mind off the occasion. The Geek Show Movie Night takes over Brewvies next Sunday. The two films they'll be playing... a Tim Burton double header with “Beetlejuice” and “Pee Wee's Big Adventure”. As always there will be beer specials from Uinta Brewing and special shots made by the show's panel. And remember... it's free!


Then the following Monday we'll see Mo's Bar & Grill play host to another round of poetry slams as Salt City Indie Arts takes over for the next round of Put Your Mouth Where The Word Is. A small change to this qualifier round: it's all female performers. Those belting out lines will include: Bonnie Owens, Karo Christensen, Deann Emett, Flora Bernard, Rebeca Mae, Theresa DeOliveira, Tashina Taylor, Amberlyn Lamoureux, Maida Wadsworth and Kate Whitaker. All participants will be entering to qualify for a chance to perform at WOMPS 2012 in Denver. Just $5 to watch, must be over 21, go check it out.


Then next Tuesday we'll see the latest from The New Works Theatre Machine! Yes, that's right, they're not dead yet. They've still got original works on the way, just in a new space, and one hell of a space to perform in as they'll be taking it to the Rose Wagner. Their latest production, Ride Me, has been kept in secret over the past few months. But if you know David Fetzer and company, it won't be anything less than entertaining. The play only runs for five nights and tickets are expected to go quickly. You might wanna jump on this one.


Speaking of theatre, after having such a thrilling season for their twentieth anniversary, Plan-B Theatre has brought back on of the most requested plays from their massive catalog... Gutenberg! The Musical! A play which Jerry Rapier described by saying “look at the poster, that says it all.” Essentially a drunken good time had by the cast. The play kicks off June 3rd for a special two week engagement at the Egyption Theatre in Park City. Get your tickets while you can!


Which takes us to Pride... but that's a much larger discussion for later. The short version for now is that I will be on hand to snap pictures of this year's festivities, along with some upcoming interviews, and of course first-hand snapshots (in the blurriest form possible) of the highly anticipated parade. For now, here's a quick rundown of events, and of course you can find more at the Utah Pride Festival's official website.


As for the blog... we'll be headed back out to Gallery Stroll, check out the last local show before we start heading into the festivals, explore another season closer for a theatre group, check out the work of a local illustrator, explore the designs and creations of a special effects creator, and finally hit up a shorter film festival of sorts. At least that's the plan, provided the zombies don't rise up and tear us down before hand. As always, we'll see what happens.

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