Here's a remarkable array of activities for your consideration Tuesday.---
Horse lovers will want to check out the Save the Wild Mustangs fundraiser tonight at Frida Bistro from 6 to 10 p.m. You'll get info on the plight of the wild horses of the West, learn how to help and get some damned tasty grub in the deal, to boot.
From Frida, you can bounce straight over to The Urban Lounge for the Foster the People (pictured) show. Word is it's sold-out, but lurk around the front door and you might score a ticket.
The SLC Film Center is hosting the finale of the three-part look at life in Indonesia with a free screening of Position Among the Stars at 7 p.m.
And you bookish types can make your way to the Barnes & Noble in West Jordan to meet and greet Irish author Michael Scott, who will be signing copies of his latest, The Warlock.