Bowling with VOYEUR | Buzz Blog
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Bowling with VOYEUR


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A Utah institution known for ball-busting is looking to balls of a different kind for an upcoming fundraiser. ---

On Saturday, June 18, the cast of Salt Lake Acting Company's Saturday's Voyeur 2011--the company's annual satire of all things distinctly and infuriatingly Utah--will be taking over Ritz Classic Lanes (2265 S. State) for a Bowl-a-Rama evening of bawdy bowling revelry. Beginning at 6 p.m., join the Voyeur company for bowling and special entertainment, with added benefits. A $20 ticket gets you two bowling games (shoe rental included), plus a ticket to a preview performance of Saturday's Voyeur. Move it up to the $75 level for a group of four, and you get your very own lane, plus the possibility of getting a catered table for four at the Voyeur performance of your choice if you get a little friendly sponsorship for your game.

Visit the company's Website for additional details. All funds raised help support SLAC's mission of daring, innovative local theater, including nurturing local playwrights and providing an annual theater production for children and families.