Rock for Immigrant Rights Tonight! | Buzz Blog
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Rock for Immigrant Rights Tonight!



With ever-mounting deportations dividing undocumented immigrant families, the activists of United for Social Justice are holding a benefit concert tonight to aid the plight of Utah’s immigrants in the shadows.---

According to local Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics 50-60 immigrant detainees are deported per week, worrying activists of USJ that such disruptions to mixed-status immigrant families threatens to push these marginalized families into severe financial hardship.

“Until there is a federal solution for mixed status families we must create a safety net of support for those families being torn apart from one another,” said USJ Secretary Melodia Gutiérrez, in a recent press release. That’s why USJ is hosting a Rock for Rights night, with all door proceeds going to benefit Utah immigrant families affected by draconian state and federal immigration laws.

The line up includes Socialists, De Su Madre, Enemy Octopus, and Leyenda Oculta.

Rock out, Tonight, Wednesday, June 22, starting at 8 p.m. at Bar Deluxe, 668 S. State.