Try Out June 22 | Buzz Blog
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Try Out June 22



It's the latest in our semi-irregular tidbits letting you know where and how to peddle your artistic wares. ---

Mestizo Institute Small Works for a Big Cause: The Mestizo Institute of Arts & Culture invites artists to donate a 4'-by-6' original work on paper for the first-annual sale and exhibition to benefit the organization. All works will be sold for $25, and signatures are to be placed on the back so that purchasers will not know the artist behind the work until they have made their purchase. Deadline is July 12; visit the Website for other important submission information.

Plan-B/Meat & Potato Theatre Director's Lab: Plan-B Theatre Company and Meat & Potato Theatre team up for a new program beginning September 2011 that will involve once-monthly meetings for 10 months of 2-3 directors to discuss directing theory, script analysis, developing a concept and working with cast & crew. The program is free to participants, but participants must commit to attending all 10 meetings. Application deadline is Friday, July 15; for application submission requirements contact Jerry Rapier,

loveDANCEmore Performance Journal Submissions: July 15 is the deadline for submissions to Vol. 3 of Learning to loveDANCEmore journal on the theme "Everyone's a Critic," exploring the role of dance criticism. Contact Ashley Anderson, for additional information.
