Bicknell Film Festival Gets Superheroic | Buzz Blog
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Bicknell Film Festival Gets Superheroic



For 16 years, beautiful Bicknell, Utah has hosted a unique summer film festival experience. This weekend, they're putting on their tights. ---

The Bicknell International Film Festival returns this year with a superhero theme on its annual celebration of B-movie culture. Following the legendary "World's Fastest Parade" -- it races by at 55 mph -- the festivities begin tonight with a screening at the historic Wayne Theater of the 1966 Batman: The Movie feature launched from the Adam West television series, complete with costume contest and post-screening party. Tomorrow, the traditional morning swap meet is followed by screenings of the 1990 version of Captain America (you thought this weekend's new release was the first time?) and 1980's Flash Gordon, wrapping up with the evening wrap party. Yes, it's less than 36 hours from start to finish, nearly as fast as the parade.

Just $60 gets you into every event, with a $75 upgrade getting you a T-shirt and poster to go along with your memories.
