More of the Kimball to Love | Buzz Blog
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More of the Kimball to Love



The annual Park City Kimball Arts Festival rolls out this weekend with a special announcement: Plans are in store for more of the Kimball Art Center to love. ---

The Kimball Art Center has announced the launch of the Kimball Art Center Transformation Project, which will renovate the existing building and create an addition on Main Street adjacent to the existing building. Fall will mark the beginning of a design competition, with the winning design to be determined by a jury before actual construction begins in 2013 for a planned 2015 completion.

A Community Wall at the corner of Main Street and Heber Avenue during the Arts Festival will give visitors and Park City residents a chance to share their thoughts and ideas with the center. So now there's one more reason to head up to the mountains, where the present of the Utah arts scene will be intersecting with its future.