Lounge Act Wednesday: Droppin' knowledge | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Wednesday: Droppin' knowledge


How about a little hip-hop for your Hump Day?---

Start the evening off at Kilby Court at 7 p.m. for a roundup of some of Salt Lake City’s finest MCs. Abstract Rude, Burnell Washburn, JNatural, Pat Maine and Hurris & Gig will leave no rhyme untouched in their early evening word hurricane.

But if you still haven’t had enough words dropped on you, then head over to Bar Deluxe at 9 p.m. for a late-night showcase to feature Edo G, MC Pigpen, Playboi Short and GeorgeLife.

Elsewhere, you can check out I Am the Ocean at Urban Lounge and the indie Christian rock of Esterlyn at Calvary Chapel.

If you’re more inclined to chill out midweek, over at the Tower Theatre, Spy Hop will premiere its latest Write-Shoot-Ride, which is about 10 teens who give up all electronics in their lives for a week.OMG, LOL.

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