Slowtrain record store for sale, or will close | Buzz Blog
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Slowtrain record store for sale, or will close


On most Tuesdays, Slowtrain announces, via its Website and newsletter, what new music releases it has for sale. Today, however, it announces that the indie record store itself is for sale.---

Anna and Chris Brozek opened Slowtrain five years ago, and since then it has been a vibrant and vital part of the Salt Lake City music family—a place to shop locally, swap music knowledge and buy from the expansive selection of vinyl and CDs. Now, the Brozeks will sell the store because Anna will soon give birth to a baby girl; they feel that with the expansion of their own family, they can no longer operate Slowtrain.

They had been talking with a potential buyer over the past months, but that deal just fell through. “We just received news that this sale is no longer possible. This hasn't left us with much time to find an alternative solution,” Anna writes in the Sept. 13 press release.

And so in an Empire Records-style save-the-record-store move, they turn to their friends and customers to keep the indie record store alive and well. The store is now up for sale, to you or to your music-geek friends.

And Slowtrain is looking for a quick turnover (by early November). The asking price includes the whole shebang—from all of the displays to all of the vinyl. The price is listed in the press release, as is Anna’s take on the pros and cons of running the store.

If it doesn’t sell in time, Slowtrain will liquidate its inventory. But, for now, it’s business as usual.

Read the Slowtrain press release here.