Wasatch Hollow to be Discussed at SLC Council Meeting | Buzz Blog
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Wasatch Hollow to be Discussed at SLC Council Meeting



A conservation and management plan to protect 10 acres of open space along Emigration Creek will be discussed in a public hearing at tonight’s Salt Lake City Council meeting.---

The plan would seek to keep the Wasatch Hollow Open Space-- located between 1600 East and 1700 East and 1700 South and Harrison Avenue--open to native plants and wildlife and visitors, and generally keep it shut to bulldozers and developers. The plan would be encumbered by a Conservation Easement held by Salt Lake County and Utah Open Lands that would help to keep billboards, home and commercial development and other encroachments out of this open-space gem in order to protect watershed areas and the local ecosystem.

Tonight is the night for public comment on this proposal. If you want to see open space preserved in the midst of Salt Lake City, come and speak up.

Check it out, tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. at the Salt Lake City & County Building, 451 S. State. Room 315.

For more info on the proposal, check out the Wasatch Hollow Open Space page here.