Film and Storytelling at Fort Douglas | Buzz Blog
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Film and Storytelling at Fort Douglas



Tomorrow, the University of Utah Fort Douglas Post Theater becomes home to an all-day event "celebrating the nobility in liberty" through film and live storytelling. ---

The 10th Salt Lake Freedom Film and Storytelling Festival is described by organizer Brian Jackson Fetzer as "a family-friendly event where we present great happenings in the arts of motion pictures, eclectic music and storytelling." Kicking off at 7:30 a.m. and running to 10:30 p.m., the festival consists of morning, afternoon and evening sessions filled with a unique variety of live performances and films. Among the morning offerings are Fetzer's own documentary about paranormal phenomena at Fort Douglas, Ghostly Guardians, in addition to live tales of Sherlock Holmes like "The Speckled Band." In the afternoon, catch the recent theatrical drama 17 Miracles and the 2002 Olympic Winter Games documentary Of Fire and Ice. And the evening features an encore of Ghostly Guardians plus the interactive live dramatic presentation "On the Eve of Halloween" (pictured).

Tickets are $5 per session for adults, $3 for children, at the Post Theater box office, 245 S. Fort Douglas Blvd.