Lounge Act Wednesday: Dance, rock & a little hocus pocus | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Wednesday: Dance, rock & a little hocus pocus



It's your last Hump Day before Halloween. Might as well get out of the house and scare up some fun. Here's how.---

Ballet West's production of Dracula continues its run at the Capitol Theatre—a fine way to combine some fine arts with the holiday season. Hell, wear some fangs just for fun.

The City Weekly Street Team will be hosting a free screening at Brewvies. The film du jour? Try Hocus Pocus, another worthy Halloween-time treat. It starts at 8 p.m., but you'll want to get there early for a good seat.

Down Provo way, catch the indie-poppers John Heart Jackie at Velour (pictured) for a fine night of tunes. Here in SLC, Burt's Tiki Lounge plays host to Mr. Gnome, Zyux, Finn Riggins and South of Ramona Wednesday night, starting around 9 p.m.

And there's bound to be a few of you out there who watch the So You Think You Can Dance show. Now is your chance to see some of the newly minted "stars" from the show do their thing in person, out at the Maverik Center.

The coolest event of the year could be out in West Valley City at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center. All day long, you can go check out the center's Day of the Dead Altar, and it's pretty amazing in the photos I've seen.