Lounge Act Wednesday: Guitar wankery and early holiday shoppin' | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Wednesday: Guitar wankery and early holiday shoppin'



Looking for some Humpday happenings around town? We've got what you need.---

Music lovers will want to hit The State Room for guitar wizard David Wilcox (pictured), someone you really have to see in person to appreciate the skills. 

Down at Kilby Court, it's a big ol' show featuring Strand of Oaks!, Brinton Jones (of The Devil Whale), the Rooftop Bandits and Mod Lan, starting at 7 p.m.

The Urban Lounge hosts The Pour Horse, Marindae and Hotel le Motel for a bluesy night out, starting at 9 p.m..

If you want to get a little jump on your holiday shopping, The King's English Bookshop is hosting a Bungalow Arts & Crafts book sale tonight at 7 p.m. Deep discounts people! Ain't that what holiday shopping is all about? At the same time, the store is hosting young-adult author Courtney King Walker, who will be reading from On The Fringe.