Lounge Act Monday: Jazz, dance and gluttony | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Monday: Jazz, dance and gluttony



Gobble, gobble, people. No doubt some lucky folks are taking this entire week off to enjoy some family time around Thanksgiving. So you might as well start throwing down tonight.---

You can do that with a little jazz flava at the Capitol Theatre Monday night, where the GAM Foundation JazzSLC concert series brings New York Voices to town for some vocal gymnastics. The show starts at 7:30 p.m.

The LoveDANCEmore free Mudson series of dance performances includes a show tonight at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p.m. A little contemporary dance in such a stunning environment should be pretty sweet.

And you can truly get the spirit of the season going with a trip to Thanksgiving Point, where they are recreating an authentic pilgrim Thanksgiving feast. That means you get to eat with your hands -- when you're not sipping on the warm goat's milk, that is! It starts at 6:30, and it's only $30 for adults. Not bad for a little slice of authentic Turkey Day action.