On Dec. 5, the Salt Lake Art Center announced plans to change its name to Utah Museum of Contemporary Art early next year. ---
Gallery director Adam Price and the Center’s board intend the name change to help clarify the gallery’s mission as a place for Utahns to see some of the most progressive contemporary art from all over the world. Founded in 1931, the Center is observing its 80th anniversary. The gallery has recently showcased work by a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) presenter, a MacArthur Genius Award recipient, a Guggenheim fellow, a Venice Biennale artist, recipients of the Rome Prize and the Leone d’Oro award for Lifetime Achievement, and inaugurated the Catherine Doctorow Prize For Contemporary Painting with current exhibitor Kim Schoenstadt. It’s become, more than ever, a place to see world-class art in all genres, including video and mixed-media.
In addition to two new permanent galleries, Price plans a premium café as part of his drive to make the space more viewer-friendly, and the space has seen visits increase five times. Price says the name change is part of the gallery’s efforts to take a greater role in the broader community.
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