Last day to vote for CWMA DJs | Buzz Blog
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Last day to vote for CWMA DJs


There is only one day left to vote for your favorite DJ to compete in the 2012 City Weekly Music Awards DJ Spin-off. Do it now.---

Ten local music showcases will take place during the first two weeks of February 2012. These will feature 25 bands of all genres, and (new this year) two DJ Spin-off events featuring 10 of Utah’s best DJs-- rather than the one showcase with five DJs we had last year.

We asked for your recommendations for this Top 25 list, and, with a little editorial discretion, feel like it is an excellent representation of the DJ landscape of Salt Lake City. But it would, of course, be a clusterfuck to have all 25 duke it out in a battle royale. So, now, it’s time for you to cast your vote to narrow down the field.

To do so, go here.

Voting for the top 10 will end tomorrow, Dec. 28, at noon. The list of finalists will be released as soon as the DJs are confirmed.

The top 10 DJs will then compete in the two DJ Spin-off events. The top vote-getter from both nights will be crowned the King/Queen of the ones and twos, which will be announced in the February 16 issue.

The final list of 25 bands to participate in the 2012 City Weekly Music Awards was chosen by staff and a closed panel. The list will be revealed during the first week of January, so stay tuned.

Thank you for your time. We hope to have your support at the 2012 CWMAs!
