Now-a-Dollar Jan. 13 | Buzz Blog
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Now-a-Dollar Jan. 13



Gods, penguins and Adam Sandler invade Utah's second-run movie theaters this weekend. ---

Immortals is director Tarsem Singh's vision of conflict between gods and mortals for something or other. CW's MaryAnn Johanson's positive review described it as "pretty much completely bonkers; that is its secret, and its glory."

Similarly completely bonkers, though not at all glorious, is Happy Feet Two, the animated sequel that finds Mumble (Elijah Wood) dealing with a threat to his colony and his family. The narrative is a complete mess of characters on different journeys, some of which only vaguely relate to the others.

And finally, there's Jack and Jill, with Adam Sandler as both a Los Angeles ad-agency owner and his annoying sister -- though "annoying" is certainly a relative term where Sandler is concerned. At this point, it feels like he's just stopped trying, throwing out high-concept comedies that double as parties for his friends, without even a pretense of making them interesting.