Become a Green Lobbyist Tuesday | Buzz Blog
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Become a Green Lobbyist Tuesday



The environmental advocates of HEAL Utah want you -- to become a green citizen-lobbyist by attending a free training session Tuesday night. Learn the intricacies of lobbying legislators on the Hill and start making a difference for public lands, clean air and a greener future.---

If you’ve wanted to engage with the Legislature but have been intimidated by the lawmaking process, now is the time to get a crash course on citizen lobbying from the advocates of HEAL Utah and the Utah Sierra Club, who will be holding a 90-minute training session Tuesday night.

Learn how to track bills through the Legislature and how to best approach legislators and talk to them on the Hill about the eco-issues most important to you.

Check it out, Tuesday, Feb. 7, starting at 6 p.m. at the Utah State Capitol, 350 N. State, Room 130. Call 801-467-9297, or visit the Utah Sierra Club’s Website here for more information.