Glad You Asked: Metal, Shred and Aztecs | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Metal, Shred and Aztecs


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Dear GYA; I heard that Iron Maiden is playing here in August. I have some Creed CDs and a leather jacket, but I have this horrible feeling that I may not be metal enough to attend a concert of eternal blackness. Any ideas of how I can up my level of rock? - Donald, hair model, Draper ---

Donald, while sipping on my coffee (that’s blacker than black times infinity), I’ve realized that one doesn’t simply become metal overnight. It takes at least a couple days. Warm up by checking out the Trifecta of Shred, a three-day shredfest that includes some of the best athletes in the nation competing in snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. Today, it’s going down over at the Crossroads Skate Park.

Next, cruise over to the Cihuatl, Mujer and Women exhibit at the Art Access Gallery. Seriously, “Cihuatl” is Aztec for woman and nothing is more metal than the ancient Aztecs. To say the least, these paintings feature Mexican heroic figures, flames and anatomical hearts. Should be good lesson in Hispanic heritage. Plus, learning is metal.

And finally, head over to Urban Lounge for the Loom, Gaza and Bone Dance show. City Weekly Music Editor Austen Diamond described these local metal bands as a "bag of sonic bricks to the face." If you're not feeling good about the Iron Maiden show after this then … well, wait till the next Creed tour.

A few other things to do today unrelated to Iron Maiden:

-The greatest musical of all time, Fiddler on the Roof at Dixie State College

-MTV host and Comedy Central: Live at Gotham stand-up comedian Jeff Dye at Wiseguys

-U of U Ballet Ensemble at the Marriot Center for Dance

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