Kamas Cheesemaker Wins @ World Cheese Competition | Buzz Blog
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Kamas Cheesemaker Wins @ World Cheese Competition


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Congratulations to Kamas-based Gold Creek Farms, which made a big, cheesy splash at the World Cheese Competition held recently in Madison, Wisconsin. Head cheesemaker Fernando Chavez and his team won both 1st place --- (a gold medal) for Gold Creek Farms' smoked Cheddar and 2nd place (silver medal) for their smoked Parmesan in the Smoked Hard Cheeses category.

According to Gold Creek Farms, they make cheese by hand with milk from their Brown Swiss cows, "chosen for their unique characteristics of quality milk with a high fat content and their gentle nature."

As much as I enjoy Gold Creek Farms' smoked cheeses, I really love their aged white Cheddar and "old fashioned" non-smoked Parmesan.

You can find Gold Creek Farms cheeses at these retailers -- Harmons, The Market at Park City, Liberty Heights Fresh -- and at the Downtown Farmers Market in Salt Lake City, Park City's Park Silly Sunday Market and at the Farmers Market at Canyons Resort. Or, you can order directly from the cheesemakers online.