Crime in Salt Lake City: Tuesday, April 17 | Buzz Blog
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Crime in Salt Lake City: Tuesday, April 17



Next time you pick up a pair of pliers to extract a nail or cut some wire, think of the poor soul in a Redwood Road Family Dollar store yesterday, who faced the wrong end of just such an implement during an attempted robbery.---

The suspect, according to the Salt Lake City watch command log, came into the store and demanded cash. He fled on foot, going north, tossing his sunglasses and hat, but not, it would seem, the pliers. He's young, medium height, with dark skin, and was wearing a blue-and-white-striped polo shirt -- average, apparently, except for a three-dot tattoo near his left eye.

Last night also saw an attempted kidnapping of a 39-year-old woman by a 6-foot-tall black man in jeans and a dark jacket, who proceeded to drag her into an alley. A witness yelled at the assailant, who fled 540 W. 200 South for parts unknown.
