Alternative Realities Roundup | Buzz Blog
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Alternative Realities Roundup



From SF Weekly comes a portrait of Mitt Romney’s time as an “American Parasite” working at Bain Capital. “But the beauty of Romney's thesis was that it really didn't matter if the company succeeded. Since he was yanking out cash early and often, he would profit even if his targets collapsed.”---

Welcome to City Weekly's new bi-weekly roundup of alternative news, views and headlines.Enjoy a world of news analysis and perspectives that take an alternate take from the mainstream, whether it's national news or local happenings here in Utah. Let the bizarro-news roundup begin! 

Top of the Alty World:

“American Parasite: Romney’s Bain Represents Capitalism’s Worst” –SF Weekly

“South of the (Nevada) Border” is a must-see photo journal of a photographer’s two-month solo trek along the U.S./Mexico border.—Las Vegas City Life

Top of Alty Utah:

Financial journalist Phillip Coggan joins RadioWest to talk about the history of debt cycles in the world, the changes they bring in new financial and political systems and what changes Americans might be facing now.—RadioWest

“The Anti-Mormon Moment,” LDS critics and skeptics capitalize on Mitt Romney’s eventual nomination to try and get their message out to a wider audience.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Ten other states are considering adopting laws similar to Utah’s that adopt gold and silver as legal tender.—Salt TV

KRCL’s Troy Williams hosts activist Deb Henry along with Utah Women’s Lobby Shauna-Scott Bellacomo to talk about the gender wage gap in Utah, where women only make 69 cents to their male counterparts $1.—RadioActive

City Weekly’s 2012 Green Guide has listings on 13 local sustainable businesses, a highlight of local artists who use recycled materials, updates on local environmental activists and more.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Broadway star Gavin Creel and former National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chair Julian Bond to attend Salt Lake City Human Rights Campaign Gala in June.—Q Salt Lake


Utah Stories’ Richard Markosian draws on his personal experience of coming from a family of Mormons and Non-Mormons to offer a guide on drinking, parenting and public policy for all.—Utah Stories

The Long View:

An excerpt from Seattle Alt-weekly The Stranger’s recent Pulitzer-prize-winning feature, “The Bravest Woman in Seattle” about one woman’s courageous courtroom testimony against the man who raped and killed her partner.

“Maybe he also saw their love for each other, noticed it in silhouette or on a sidewalk, a love that was exploding that summer, making them inseparable, a love that had grown into plans for a commitment ceremony that fall. Maybe he realized he could turn that love against them, mercilessly, use it to control them in their own home, each subdued by the threat that he would kill the other. They were two and he was one. But maybe he saw that, in a sense, they were one.”—The Stranger
