TV Tonight: Men at Work, Duets, Rookie Blue, SYTYCD | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Men at Work, Duets, Rookie Blue, SYTYCD



What’s new on the blinky tube tonight:

Men at Work (TBS) Series Debut: If it weren’t for the wallet-chain and tribal-tattoo jabs (really, the only funny part of this gawdawful pilot), Men at Work could easily be mistaken for a forgotten late-’90s NBC sitcom that even TV Land would pass on.--- Danny Masterson (That ‘70s Show) and his bros work at something called a “magazine” and whine/spout endless clichés about women to the beat of a canned laugh track probably cut-and-pasted from Suddenly Susan (Wiki it, kids). If you want to believe that TBS is serious about being in the Very Funny business, remember that they have Conan and Cougar Town and ignore this slick pile of shit. Sorry, Danny—you can do better … can’t you?

Duets (ABC) Series Debut: It’s The Voice, just with different chairs and singers. NBC should sue the fuck out of both Men at Work AND Duets.

Rookie Blue (ABC) Season Premiere: How are they still “rookies”? This is Season 3!

So You Think You Can Dance (Fox) Season Premiere: Did ya hear that judge/screaming mop Mary Murphy is a sex-crazed coke whore? Yeah, me neither …

Also new tonight:
Awake: Series Finale (NBC); Don’t Be Tardy for the Wedding, Kathy (Bravo); Punk’d, The Pauly D Project (MTV); On the Fly, Tattoo School (TLC); Eagleheart (Adult Swim)