South of the Point: Date Night | Buzz Blog
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South of the Point: Date Night



Recently, my younger sister got engaged. While this is a very joyous occasion for her and my future brother-in-law, it does put some unwanted attention on me, the single older sister.--- Since I am 24 years old and unmarried, by the standards of this state and its culture I am an old maid. I might as well go and buy a bunch of cats and prepare for my segment on Hoarding: Buried Alive. Or, I can take the less melodramatic route and just start dating more.

There are a lot of options out there for those cute couples who want to enjoy each other's company that doesn’t involve ordering a pizza and watching Netflix all night (my kind of date). Here are some ideas of where you can take your next potential love interest.

While Thanksgiving Point offers a slew of activities for lovebirds, the Museum of Ancient Life is probably the best place. One of the defining characteristics of the museum is its hands-on approach to its exhibits. There are 50 interactive, hands-on displays within the museum -- guests can actually touch dinosaur fossils and eggs. The museum also houses 60 complete dinosaur skeletons, making it one of the largest dinosaur exhibits in the world. It's also home to the Mammoth Screen, a gigantic theater that shows educational documentaries in 3-D. Seriously, any closer and you’d be in Jurassic Park.

For those who just want to have a good time without all the walking that museums entail, Comedy Sportz will not so much tickle your funny bone as rip it out of your body. Set up like the television show, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Comedy Sportz in downtown Provo has two improv teams competing against one another for who can be funnier. And it’s always a close game. The shows are always audience-interactive, taking suggestions for scenes directly from the folks watching the show. And the shows are always clean and appropriate for all ages so don’t worry about feeling awkwardly uncomfortable with your date when the subject of sex gets brought up. If you’re looking for something a bit more unusual and, frankly, a bit creepier, try the McCurdy Historical Doll Museum. The museum hosts a collection of historic toys, miniatures and over 4,000 dolls. There are collections of First Lady dolls, Native-American dolls, dolls representing women in the bible and so much more. It’s guaranteed to be a date you will never forget, no matter how many therapy sessions you attend. 

If these awesome ideas tickle your fancy, here’s the info you’ll need. The Museum of Ancient Life is located at 3003 N. Thanksgiving Way in Lehi. It's hours are Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Comedy Sportz is located at 36 W. Center Street in Provo. It has shows every Friday and Saturday night at 8 and 10:15 p.m. It also has shows on Thursdays at 8 p.m. The McCurdy Historical Doll Museum is located at 246 N. 100 East in Provo. It’s open Tuesday through Saturday, noon-6 p.m. with winter hours 1 - 5 p.m.